Misconception journal


Read up and be less wrong about things.

I will now list some that I frequently see online.

Because the human eye can only distinguish [number here] frames per second, having more than [the same number] has no effect in gaming.
The human eye does not see in frames and has no such limit. The faster the information on your screen changes, the higher the framerate has to be for the movement to seem fluid. In fast-paced 3D games that use no blurring techniques like films do, you'll have no difficulty at all noticing the lag if your framerate drops from 125 to 100 while you're wildly spinning around looking for frags.
Any kind of outwitting, being outwitted, lying or mischief counts as trolling.
Trolling is a art.
The game Escapa, where you control a red square with your mouse and try to avoid blue rectangles has been used by the US Air Force to test pilot candidates. They have to survive for two full minutes.
This claim is baseless and completely made up by someone who wanted to make the game sound cool.
Strafing is the technique of jumping in ET. [some dude] has fast movement, therefore he is a great strafer.
Strafing means moving left or right. The word you mean is strafejumping and it's named after the fact that holding a strafe button (which is used to move left or right) while jumping causes the player to gain speed.
According to the Big Bang Theory, there was nothing and it exploded. This makes no sense so the theory is incorrect.
According to the Big Bang Theory, the same amount of matter and energy that exists today in the universe was once in a really dense and small space. This is the conclusion that follows from observations that show parts of the universe flying away from each other, not a fairytale pulled out of someones ass.
I thought "sugar free" meant you get extra free sugar!
Vanhomalalawhatever, is a cool and smart guy
He isn't
I knew about this since 30.3.2011.

This means that I am slightly cooler than you are.
old :D:D:D::D:DDDDD
Good journal. It's a shame it goes to waste in this community and will not get any intelligent on-topic responses (and no, this is not an intelligent on-topic response either).
What intelligent on-topic response is there to made be on this journal?
Posting more common misconceptions. Such as:

Crossfire used to be good

Crossfire was never good
I will read this journal and start processing its content in my brain
I wonder why someone would care this much
Your reality fails, sir
Fully agree with the first one.

One of my friends always said to me like, it doesnt matter what fps you have because the human eye can only see [x amount] I called BS and now I know I'm right, thanks!
Burneddi this is to prove you wrong:

image: lvlhx2in
you're speaking like JapanAizen
this journal would have been ok if you hadn't written 'a art'.

learn english, then try again...
Oh god.... what an big deal. You're so cool that you wrote this comment...
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