KRP news pt.69

image: ladder1 The time has come again. The FinlandFinlands pride and glory have claim the golden ladders in 6on6 cb Europeladder.image: ladder1

image: ladder1image: Os47Oimage: ladder1

Europesupski had no chance defending their title when our image: crashes-party-alone-brings-no-alcohol-drinks-your-booze-harass-the-women-refuses-to-leav-8f9340 rolled over them first in our homemap sw_goldrush_te (attacked first, made time 7:something) and then in missile even thou 4 of our guys had never played the map.

PotM award: FinlandAltsi, our new godlike aimer.

We at image: Oik_keskusrikospoliisi_2_2011 are looking forward to match against your low 5on5 only teams. But if you're called United KingdomQueens or EuropeTAG, we will call our Finlandf6 lineup to defend our title.

image: ladder1, the best 6on6 clan since 1928. image: ladder1

And here's a song telling supski's opinion about my mg raping theyr faces in missile

EDIT: Other great news from the top scene of ENEMY TERRITORY. Our fellow Finlandsuperhuman_group TURBOAPINAT have just claimed the #1 spot in CB 5on5 Europeladder. What a great night for finnish gaming this has been :)
Lip lap. Miksei blindi vaivautunu tekee journalia, niistä saa naurut..
Son i am disappoint
posting rights revoked until 26,6,69
voit kirjottaa myös että turbot new 5v5 ladder kings koska vital-homot menetti sen meille
We had no chance against such a skilled and dominant opponent.
didnt queens rape fin6 twice and europe roll finland's finest?
fin6 atm consisting of inactive drug addicts + army men so no wonder. We have to get them back in shape.
10k dmg'd you on missile
Wtfffffffffff o_0
he did only 13k dmg in 2 maps including missile with almost double fullhold, so he werent anything special.Thou he was the only one from theyr team who actually could do something to even slow us down a little. But hey, when KRP is warmed up, even the sun feels like ice (c)Nonix
And still no-one thinks you are a decent player.
seen them live twice, always epic <3
obviously you got boosted by the vibes of Dispatch!
snowball effect man, once you're in the good mood, you just don't come out of it
iN is mabye interrested in a real men 6on6 game

may it be as close as the last one (preferably with less than 3-Ec-men)
gl manam8
only 2:2 vs Germany, poor fins. But gratz ! :D
Was an exciting game idd, hope to solve it out some night! On our defense i can tell you that smokeninja didnt had a mic at all yet, but hes going to buy one next week so hes fully capable of owning again :)
we were surprised that we performed well vs u. cuz we are an only lowteam. and were holding you 11min at radar and won grush :D we were happy about! :D
The FinlandKRP Taz looks happy after wins
image: 297687_1992291689302_1303694274_31812351_7953637_n
meehow sick pervert, did u save that pic in ur pc?:S
Kyl teillä koittaa helpot ajat kun mahtava Finland KPKP eSports ei oo teidän riesana!
We had no chance against such a skilled and dominant opponent.
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