Indloon the journal #1

Today was ok day.
Waked up at 7'o'clock in the morning.Eated pizza,I would tnx my mom for that.:D
Then lot fun fun fun at school,as usually,doing retarded stuff to teachers..poor teachers..
Anyway,school ended somewhere at 13:52..the last lesson was History,we have new Historical teacher,a female teacher,very hot.But didn't give any duck in this day.
Anway,went to ride with the bikes with classmate,then unexcepted...I met Tess,very beatiful and gosh,how hot girl.In my age..Anyway,she lives in Tabasalu,I live in like Nõmme,its like 8km away-.-
Now I'm back at home,writting this shit,then going to play basketball,BUT before that,I play some Wolfenstein:ET !!!/!\!!!
And after basketball,study-.-.-.-.-..what a shit life X(
So I guess you didn't give any fuck.

The game corner
Find the chick.
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Indloons Music Choice 05.09.2011

Indloons the random video choice 05.09.2011

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where is le chick ?
deadmau5 is great

i expected a johnny depp or smth :((

my song ive listen to since yesterday. no cudi no wiz

i was at 9.30am at work. leavin now to get cheap petrol in poland. driving home on highway then. :D
What car you got?
Lemme guess.Pink Ferrari?:D
hehehehe red ferrari ;)
22y old nissan sunny 1.6 75PS!
QuoteWaked up

stopped reading
That's funny, reading this journal didn't really give me the idea you're attending any school.
Yes,4 classes to go,then army and then the university and then the soumi job and then the car and then the house..and so on.
4 classes left ? are u even sure, u are capable of cleaning ur arse after shitting without the help of mommy and daddy baby boy?
Are your drunk?
Or just retard
some 14yo with english knowledge worse than google translator, desperately looking for attention on an internet community, trying to be funny with "find the chick" kindergarden style is really asking me if im the retard :D?
Waked up xD
Posted out flyers for my big cousins zumba class, she gave me 30 quid!!!!!!!!!! So going to go into Edinburgh tonight and have a drink with scarzy D:
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