Epic Movie Time

Shalom x-fuegos!

I'm bored and I would like to discuss some generic subject with you and I chose said subject to be: your favorite Sci-Fi movie!

While most will think of Star Wars I'd like you to dig deeper and maybe we can help each other by finding a few not so famous gems that we'll all enjoy.

I'll start by suggesting Serenity, the full-length spin-off of the fan-favorite TV show Firefly. While the movie tries to replace the 5-7 seasons of Firefly that were 'stolen' from the fans to explain the events, it is highly recommended, but not necessary to watch Firefly's 14 episodes before seeing the movie.

image: firefly-women
It's cliché, but I'd still have to go for Blade Runner.
It's a good one but I don't remember ever finishing it to be honest. The perks of watching movies as a help to fall asleep.
I definatily have to agree with Firefly, one of the most awesome sci-fi ive ever seen. To bad fox is so stupid and destroyed it...

I am still not sure about the film "serenity" itself, i saw the show before the film and the film doesn't summ it up as it needs to :(

I have to add (movies/shows):
Galactica (the newer one) Season 1-3
True and watching the show first makes sense since it's supposed be done that way. I think it's a good movie in itself, with a slightly different approach than the show. I think River's back story is explained quite well considering they had to combine it with an actual story in only ~2 hours.

Stargate Sg-1/Atlantis (maybe even Universe)
Firefly iz guud but too short :<


Falling skies maybe ?
I never quite managed to like Stargate, don't know why.
Try Stargate Universe,its quite different from the original Stargate.
And I think thats why the stopped it after 2 Seasons :(
Moon, Sunshine, The matrix to name a few. Didn't think much of Serenity. Might be because I haven't watched the series.
+1 on all of these. I understand why many people wouldn't like Firefly because it's pretty low-key and works almost entirely due to the cast and their interactions and that's not everybody's style.
moon was the weirdest movie i have ever watched......i fucking loved it! it was brilliant
--->>>> Stargate SG-1 <<<<---
there are many tbh :~>
stargate movies
a german saying a jewish word
what a sick fuck, u don't deserve to say it
I got chuzpe like a motherfucker.
begone german
You can bet your last shekels I won't stop.
explain to me what the fuck is chuzpe
don't have much scifi experience, but i loved flash forward and 4400
4400 was the biggest bullsh*t ever created... :/
But flashforward is pretty good iven so its only slightly scifi.
Do they work on a second seasons flash forward ?
no, cancelled for good
4400 bullshit and flashforward is pretty good? :DDD hahah.

made me laugh, thanks.
are you the one who said dexter is shit? you deserve no freedom of speech, you have a shit awful taste, or is it just retardation that limits you into understanding dexter
dexter is shit and you mad.
The Matrix by far not just as SciFi
when I was younger I watched a movie called "Enemy Mine". at that time I thought it was quite an ok sci-fi movie, but somehow I have a feeling that if I were to watch it now I would probably classify it as a 2nd rate a-team episode.
i just remembered when i was young i watched sliders, was an awesome watch!
Inception if that's sci-fi.
else there is no good sci-fi movie!
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