Beard style!


What kind of beard style have you got at the moment? I am kinda bored with mine already, smth like this(more like bristle):
image: 499174-56716-31
Used to have this too:
image: moresideburns (the first on the pic)
I'd like to grow something different, but can't decide! Help me!
Maybe I am gonna go for:
image: circlebeard

Are you shaving ur chest and belly? I find kind gayish when someone does that, that's just gross!

I haz a mustache
Cannot into facial hair yet
i shave everyday because i dont wanna look like a homeless guy
I try to keep myself shaved, i don't like beard.

And yes i shave my chest.
Same as the guy of the colored picture except that i use to shave my moustache. I hate it.
Also have similar haircut.
so u're trying to say u're hot?
I m trying to say that i m not a dog faced boy as some nerds here.
You just have to look at the lan pictures.somd guys here have never seen the sun. Not even a bikini, i d like to add...
hehehe u're right. I'm just teasing u sexy
That's why i use to browse crossfire. It makes me really feel like "omg my life aint that shit! :)" :D
+111 man :D
QuoteAre you shaving ur chest and belly? I find kind gayish when someone does that, that's just gross!

ye cuz alot of hair on your chest and belly is not gr0ss
well yeah, i meant between the normal borders.
having like the guy on first pic, due to lazynest to shave always :D
can look good aswell^^
hah well just shave whenever i feel its to big or annoys me :p
pic pic^^
btw how can that be annoying :P?
haha priv only :p

well its itchy when its a bit grown up, so sometimes annoys when i play football or so xD

always better be freshly shaved :p
image: cantinflas

well at the mo I'm scruffy and havent shaved in 4 days, but I don't usually let myself get in this state. I don't like a beard on myself, I like to be clean shaved :-)

shaved my chest once as a dare, won't do it ever again
nothing gay about that, just do it
QuoteAre you shaving ur chest and belly?

dont ever do that.
depends on your face & hairstyle etc -.-
So what beard style do you have? Do you shave your chest? :D
ha ha ha being funny
hahah I was searching for a pic like that 10 min :D

so I have a beard just like that with mustaches.

also shave my balls regularly cause it's awesome
I cant grow it with a mustache and the side things cause there are holes everywhere XD
image: zaorst

smth like that
Doubt I could grow a proper beard so always shaved it is.
If ure chest/belly hair are like a turks (no offence but theyre hairy!) id shave, if it doesnt get too long/thick i dont see a reason to shave them
image: tumblr_lb37qhVIso1qbowiko1_500

top mustache.
i just let it grow until I dont like it anymore then cut it down to 1 mm and restart :D
Just like in the 1st pic, and I shave when it's too long. Don't like shaving all my hairs, don't feel comfortable with it so I keep it that way
i have like your picture but more
Something like this atm

image: Ryan+Gosling+3

+ shave chest hair (not off just thin mostly), keep it a bit neat rather than ending up being furball x)
image: foto-kapsels-04

about the same as me, only my beard is a little darker of color
ryan dunn.
full beard or no beard is what i say, also full beard > no beard
only gay people in prison got circle beard...
Do the normal beard but shave it under yr chin and make it both sides on yr cheecks perfectly symmetric.

= win
Don't share your chest and belly !! Twice more is going to grow back longer and thicker :/
... Same for balls !
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