need uk/us dude

is there anyone (mother tongue english, with decent knowledge about the language) who is willing to read over an abstract of like 1 page (650 words) for mistakes / bad phrases and especially punctuation/commaplacement. I would really appreciate that. I'm currently studying abroad in the US and have to hand in the abstract by tomorrow. Shouldn't take too long.
Then you definitely don't need a US dude :D
ye that's what i thought too :( :D
hey heinrisee
studierste inzwischen was anderes (früher wars ja irgendein kultur scheiß)
business administration and economics, major on accounting/auditing
konnt aber eigentlich alles anrechnen lassen :P
was hast du vorher studiert?
ist zum einen teil bwl und zum andren teil sprachen bzw. kulturraumbezogene veranstaltungen.
bin halt nach dem ersten semester gleich auf reines bwl bzw. business administration dann gewechselt und dadurch dass eh einige bwl sachen dabei waren + ich den rest über studium generale auch anrechnen lassen kann war das kein stress.
was war der grund für den wechsel? überlege mir was sprachlich-sozial-kulturell-bezogenes zu studieren..
ich hatte das gefühl mit den wirtschaftssachen mehr anfangen zu können und wusste, wofür ich das mache. saß halt zum teil bei sowas wie sprachwissenschaften drin und hab mir gedacht, wofür mache ich das, was bringt mir das später... hat mich halt auch nicht so sonderlich interessiert eigentlich. hatte anfangs halt bedenken, reines bwl zu studieren, weil ich nicht mal wirtschafts leistungskurs hatte, aber hab schnell festgestellt, dass ich das problemlos hinbekomme.
ich intressier mich nicht für wirtschaft, dann passt das schon
mach mir nicht alles nach!
keine angst mein engel, theater/literatur is nicht so meins
ich studier nix mit theater :D ich arbeite nur da! LÜGER!
jaa, klassische literatur, die eben auch im theater aufgeführt wird, spielt bei dir im studium aber ne rolle soweit ich mich erinner?
lass mich :(
What do I get out of this?
you will be a total nice-guy after it
more black slaves.
gl, I would give it a look but I am at bed mode now :P
im USA and you have better grammar than me already...shit schools blow
lazy amerifags != shit schools, don't go down that route :P
well thats why i went the IT route i teach myself :)
omg risee noob
I suppose it's a bit late to offer up some help.
yup but thanks anyways, i appreciate that
If you're desperate you can send it to me and I will have a look over it. I do most of the Engrisch (German English) to normal English conversion at work.

I'm a native English speaker but there are subtle differences between correct English and American English. Certain spelling and word usage.

Anyhow PM me if you need help, but I guess you're sleeping ;)
ye i was, i uploaded the paper already ;)
but thanks for the offer anyways :)
lol rise i just graduated in the same degree ur studying atm, Business Studies and i had to do an accounting audit exactly like ur doing.

shame its to late now :<
haha nice. so what are you currently doing after you graduated?
doing a masters in marketing
why did you move on to marketing? didn't really enjoy accounting/audit that much?
id like to be in the more creative/design/advertising side of the business. Everyone is more outgoing in marketing and its more team working as well so its not boring and fits better into who i am, contrary to popular belief as i'm on crossfire i'm not a nerd who would love to sit at a PC 12 hours a day on their own. Its also obviously what im most interested in. Ul never hear an accountant whose excited about work tomorrow.
i totally get your point, even though i think this is pretty biased :D
i wouldn't really consider myself a nerd either (especially within the last 2-3 years i think i kinda "developed" a lot personally, and yes i know that this sounds kinda stupid) and yet i prefer something more "tangible" or "concrete" if you know what i mean which is why i prefer accounting over marketing. i got several marketing courses aswell but still it feels kinda airy-fairy to me. maybe it's just because i'm not the most creative person out there though :p
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