This is how winners are made

Life is tough, that’s a given. When you stand up, you’re gonna be shoved back down. When you’re down, you’re gonna be stepped on. My advice to you doesn’t come with a lot of bells and whistles. It’s no secret: you’ll fall down, you'll stumble, you'll get pushed, you'll land square on your face. And every time that happens, you get back on your feet. You get up just as fast as you can, no matter how many times you need to do it.

Remember this: success has been and continues to be defined as getting up one more time than you’ve been knocked down.

If experience has taught me anything, it’s that nothing is free and living ain’t easy. Life is hard, real hard, incredibly hard. You fail more often than you win, nobody is handing you anything. It’s up to you to puff up your chest, stretch your neck and overcome all that is difficult – the nasty, the mean, the unfair.

You want more than what you have now? Prove it! You want to beat the very best out there that is? Get out there and earn it! Once you decide that, you’ll know where it is you want to be. Then you won’t stop pushing forward until you get there! That’s how winners are made.

At the end of the day, success is what we all want. We all want to win, and the race will be won. There is no question about that. So c’mon, get out on top, run faster, dream bigger, live better than you ever have before. This is in you. You can do this. Do it for yourself. Prove it to yourself

this is what i say to the mirror every day! and i know i can! :D
The best motivation evahhhhhhh
You should sometimes be in our vent before the games.

image: Boehner+tears
Haha ;)

Whos the coach that pissed away his life then? blindi?

and our father figure Finlandkapaa is the one who keeps us on the right track in our lifes.
TL:DR -version. "Stop whining and do it"

EDIT: Finland Arde has the best motivational speaks & advices before officials.
Plz... purely sports on that shit... where are the businessman etc?

Except for Steve Jobbs no one was in that
Quite sure I saw Einstein & Bill Gates too. Anyway sports are a more visual way of success than business.
I never go down cause i always win. I am what you call a winner.

oh and, the original speech by Eric "The Hip Hop Preacher" is pretty cool too.
that was a good one
I would like to quote parra on this:

"I never lose, my team does"
I like the text but his voice isn't very inspirational.
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