sqZz busted?
8 Sep 2011, 16:16
Look at the blue Points.
- Strafe-Points?! :x
Never saw this before. :o
Look at the blue Points.
- Strafe-Points?! :x
Never saw this before. :o
Would it :(
e: im pretty sure it is, because if themedic was in the bank he would be further away.gg nice post get a life now!
Try making a fancy gradient drawing and save it in paint under some different compressions (JPG, JPEG, Bitmap, GIF, ...)
First; he uses not ment to be used sprites (the "resolution" of every object). That in combo with the compression by SLAC/TZAC/WADDAFAK
The compression sometimes fucks up the colorbalancing... thats all.
If someone else would use his config + native res + drivers + getting SShot = same chance getting these deformations
regards Dom
I knew when I read the title that this journal is gonna be crap but still disappointed.