Adamek vs Kliczko weigh-in

izi bash kliczko ?
KLITSCH.K.O FFS .... he'ill beat the polak!
Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Klychko
izi bash
Well the polak allway's try to shake the hand of Witali, i guess hes gay or he got alot of respect! Anyway the Russian Eisenfaut! will destroy him in like 3-4 Rounds to much trouble for nothing..
grammar fettsack , grammar
we will see fat nerd
i guess its a matter of respect
its not worth the shizzle...will be as clear as always
Kliczko is keep swallowing when its eye to eye, like he is scared :o
gl Adamek
gl Adamek
np 4 Klitschko
Ktos z Polakow bedzie placil 40 zl za ogladniecie tej walki? Ja ogladne na RTL

Czemu ten brat Kliczki tak sie patrzyl na Adamka xD. Podsmiechiwal sie :P

RTL7 za darmo pozdro !
np 4 Klitschko
gonna be same boring match like klitchko vs hay or w/e that black guys name was,klitch will just stay back use his reach advantage and bounce the polaks head around with jabs
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