9 Sep 2011, 17:00
Just wanted to share the last pics of ET XREAL coming in november since its awesome
[center] IF you dont care about this
Everone saying ET is dying and need fresh blood and i think this mod with improved graphics, dynamic lights and the same gameplay as better chances to seduce new players
[center] IF you dont care about this
we dont need your shit comments thanks being constructive is allowed [/center]
Everone saying ET is dying and need fresh blood and i think this mod with improved graphics, dynamic lights and the same gameplay as better chances to seduce new players
You will not get fresh meat/new players, organisations, sponsors by writing topics on CrossFire, but I guess there are some "respected and "main" faces who know this and hopefully will do something for themselves.
e: ow and I almost forgot an important thing: "/exec clanwar.cfg" BIBUY
only real thing im asking myself is: does this xreal stuff include a newer/better netcode and some adjusstments on the hitboxes?
no anti aliasing lol?
ETXreal included with these fixes, netcode, multi threaded, hitboxes ( crouch/ prone mostly ) and rawinput. I think that will surely be more interesting. Because for people that don't care about graphics like most of us XREAL isn't that interesting. But with all the fixes think more competition players would be interested.
And next to fixes, what about integrating etpro/ettv into xreal? I think that would be really good in combination with the fixes. And if that is completed, we should make a new competition mod with additional features that we would like, i guess that would make it even better.
But than, the public players. ETXREAL should have something like NQ/jaymod/etpub or combination of those integrated or made for it, else all the public clans and players wouldn't even think about switching.
This won't happen, but it would be great imo.
I think everyone can agree it's a pretty impressive accomplishment though.
can't see it make et any more complex than tzac makes it already. make everyone switch who plays actively, problem solved.
for the pub players it would be just the same case as with tzac, join the club or keep it as it is
carry on with your good work , its looking good :)
picmip 0 = simpler & looks much better
the "harcores" will say "fuck that, i dont need gfx and it feels different, etpro all the way" while some others may play ETxreal instead -> even less wars (for either).
we dont need your shit comments thanks being constructive is allowed
although I will see some issues with fps, there are people complaining about fps issues at the moment with the current level of low detail.
Looks awesome anyways