Android 2.1 to 2.3 on Defy
10 Sep 2011, 13:07
Hi Crossies, I've got the Motorola Defy MB525 with Android 2.1 installed and I'd like to upgrade it to the latest version available (2.3.4 so I've heard), any ideas how to do so? I've tried googling a bit but I didn't really find something usefull..
there must be enough info about Defy
Kinda hard but it is doable.
I edited it
You should check cyanogenmod7 if you want to have 2.3, but there are still some problems with wifi, filming, ...
If you have the red lens, you might wait on Gingerbread for the defy+ :)
If you want to use android 2.3.4 you should go for the CM7 - mod, but it is not assured that you will be free of problems.
I cant help you with cm7 cause i'm not really eager to take the risk. If you want 2.2, I could provide you with a link. Download that program, let it update, wait 15 mins, done.
Some companies have a policy that if you phone is rooted, your warranty is void.
Just went cycling :d
Just register in the forums and see if there's a tutorial hoping someone mirrored the files, which is just a +-90mb zip that you run from ClockworkMod Recovery. If you don't have the recovery get Rom Manager from the market.
btw: cyanogenmod was pretty easy to install on my galaxy s2, due to open bootloader.
Settings > About phone > update software