tzac problem.

cant start tzac, need to start it as administrator, but i cant seem to do this with xp, help?!
try right click

or try google
A doctor once put a Stethoscope to Chuck Norris' chest to hear his heart beat, which caused blood to spew from his ears and permanent hearing loss. Twitching uncontrollably, the unfortunate doctor managed to describe what he heard as various wubs, wobbles, womps and wiggles. He then went insane and began developing more of this noise under the alias "Doctor P". Experts have developed a title for this dangerous noise: Dude U Better Stop Tickling Everybody's Penis, or D.U.B.S.T.E.P for short
had same problem,what i did to fix it was:

1. Reinstall TZAC
2. Reboot computer
3. Disable Avast before opening the game
4. Success
this, or at step 3. install tzac. Add exclusions to file system and behavoir shields. Start tzac.
just disable avast during the time u connect to the game, then enable it again, should work fine.
How about everyone of you intellectually incapable people address your questions about TZAC issues to the TZAC site instead of Crossfire?

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