digital tv on pc

Finally got digital tv on my pc. works pretty nice.

image: Capture

ill get it one day
Perhaps look into AnySee Netstream N7 HDTV. No need to put the hardware in the pc, just a little box that connects to your network and you can stream tv channels from that with VLC player for instance.
quality? standard?
I dont understand your question.
how good is the quality of the video :)?
it's digital tv. it is the same quality as you would get with watching digital tv on a normal tv through a settopbox decoder or internal dvb-c tuner.

so the quality depends on what the cable company provides.
I'm still searching for a usb pen capable to sync Portuguese digital terrestrial tv, but it's hard to find anything with stock/decent price/ working with Mpeg4 :|
Pretty pointless tbh
ziet er goed uit
nah, die screeny is niet eens een HD kanaal.
Never looked into that but I do stream from my motorised dish - image: wtdfook - :)
Got it in my laptop for 2 years already.
Pretty sweet, too bad my backwards going country will never go for digital tv...
TV naast pc, win
ya have had one too, years ago tho
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