weird et

people disepear ingame!

exempel cave in supply last stage close to the door.

U strafe to the left, a enemy is in cave and he disepear for like a few few milliseconds...

that happens often for me in different places and situations, u got same problem?
something like this happens me to also sometimes :s
ET + antilag = my problem :)
happens when some goes behind a wall

new to u?
badly configured wallhack?
Happens alot :(
<inster wallhack joke>

I have the same on deli at controls when ur coming from spawnway and the opponent is standing close to the other exit or in the corner
hey man, he has a finish pride , have some respect !
I'm sorry, can't see double "n" in your nick

Was playing deli just now and get the exact same thing, just sayin' etc... x)
People tend to disappear when you don't play with wh, atleast that's what they tell me
i say they disepear when i exactly should see them, like 1-2 ms
this happens to me pretty much all the time on delivery, mostly by the elevators and down by the train or whatever that shit is.. not really sure if it ever happened to me on supply though.
kallas skit/lagg server alex :D

blir även så i andra opengl spel, så lär ju va nå kajk med vilken prio saker laddas, har fått för mig att det blir bättre om man ändrar la depth buffer och textur filtret.
Got the same sometimes.
people are dying in africa every millisecond and u're asking about ur weird et? u fucking ice cold fag
yeah got the same, mostly on deli
its a cvar, one of those :

seta r_lodCurveError
seta r_facePlaneCull
or roundimagesdown something
I think I suck in ET. Its not so nice to start playing ET again and beeing like "yearr, im gonna go for a frag fest!" cos I get a full all the time and normally dont even get a kill.

I just wanted to share this.
pracc hard, go pro!
I'll give you a hug bro, np
Thanks, made me feel a lot better!
I'm manly enough to give men hugs , so no need to feel gay all of a sudden ;o
used to happen a lot when rushing from frostbite ammos towards the cp

also sometimes in delivery, quite annoying tbh
Never happened to me + where are the food journals?
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