New pc help bluescreen

My dad buyed a new Intel i5 2 new RAM (8 GB) and a new motherboard (Asus P8P67)
the hard drive gfx card etc is the same like before.

So now comes the problem, always when the pc wants to start windows (loading screen) it gets a very shot Bluescreen (for less than 1 sec) and reboots again.

I google alot already but didnt found a good solution yet, would be awesome if someone of you could help me :)


Problem solved thanks to all!
Vielleicht reicht das netzteil nicht? :p
Windows sometimes doesn't like motherboard changes, especially if it's from a different manufacturer. You may need to use the repair disc or just reinstall.
you need to format C:\
According to your statement it seems like your windows were installed at a different motherboard. Format should fix it, but try to press the pause key, maybe you can see the error message!
its not possible, its like 0.2 sec where it is a bluescreen, my reactions maybae too slow :(
how about press F8 before windows image appears and try to boot at safe mod.. or with basic services...
i 5 ist scheisse ;) du musst windoof neu installieren
had it before aswell on my P8P67. removed everything on the hd and reinstalled windows, it worked
it boots so I guess there is nothing wrong with the hardware (expect if you hear some strange beeps)

Try to format
remove all new stuff what u have installed and its fixed :)

or just format ur pc
format C:\ cause windows has to install new standart drivers for the motherboard.
what agon said

edit. I also got new pc and i get sometimes bluescreen. no idea why and i dont care :)
try and get into setup asap, boot from cd and format ur harddisk

stopped reading
buyed olo
Just like everyone else, format C:
its shit pc give it to me
My dad buyed

QuoteMy dad buyed

not funny.. fag
bolding is for fags
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