TZAC problem

Can´t start game with TZAC... Idk what to do... Thanks
could be the grey screen, check faq
no it´s not. Always i see Awaiting Gamestate, and than this error (need ctrl+alt+del)
gay language, find some real letters
APPCRASH, ET.tzmod, :P
Since when there a app for your smart phone for TZAC?
turn off firewall
share wallpaper
OK| The problem is TS3 ... As BAQ SAID

Quote by Baq
Posted by baq on 9 Sep 2011 12:31:04

I got similar problem form like last 3 days:
when I am trying to connect to any server when my Teamspeak3 is on i got 'Awaiting Gamestate' and after some time i got problem 'ET.exe has stopped working'.
Without ts3 with tzac i can connect to same server without problem.
Without tzac with ts3 i can connect to the same server without any problem.

So how its working?
TZAC:ON + TS3:ON = 'Awaiting Gamestate' + 'ET.exe has stopped working'
TZAC:OFF + TS3:ON = Can connect without problem via ET.exe
TZAC:ON + TS3:OFF = Can connect without problem
I was also trying to turn TS3 when I was already connected with TZAC:ON but my ET crashed instantly.

I was also trying to do same like ' vladimir - I fixed my problem by closing a program called "ati tray tools". So you might want to check what other programs you are running in background that might be causing miscommunication. ' but i had same problem when TS3 was turned ON.

Also like many of us saying it was working 3 days a go so maybe someone can upload old version of tzac without auto update option until this problem will be fixed.

So any1, how I can disable popups in TS3? Thanks
i dont have any problem with ts3 + tzac at the same time

ps i have still XP on this computer maybe its for that?
I have W7 and it´s not working for me :(
but from when i got this update i have every 2hrs avira whining about a spyware in my "system volume information" i dont know what did he do with this update :x
win7 is the problem
I got w7 teamspeak + tzac is np
I dont have any problems, win7 and tbag
I get the same problem with no other major applications running:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: ET.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 445f5790
Fault Module Name: ET.tzmod
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4e663c37
Exception Code: c0000094
Exception Offset: 00169da6
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: a629
Additional Information 2: 123beed7e8a2d3b30ecf0075e77b8815
Additional Information 3: 47b2
Additional Information 4: 73558211f5c01d370eaddd6a5f8fd249
:/ Just help me, how to disable notifications and popups in TS3?
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