Poland vs Germany

The epic fight that's been on for a thousand years continues. With Poland bashing Germany in 1410, Germany bashing Poland in 1939, recent 2:2 draw in Gdansk who once belonged to Germany as Danzig and 3:1 win in volleyball by Poland you can say the fight's been pretty intense. Now another fight comes with GermanySPEEDLiNK and Polandto Make odds even aka Team Blackpoint in Robaciek's last cup!

image: game28098

make you le bets
I see two dutchies there.
will be a draw obviously
bashing in 1939,

QUÉ: more like invading :D!
well yah, if someone invades your country you got fucking bashed :D
invading is the ultimate way to bash
s1LENT is a German spy.
went to poland with stolen wheels which makes him polak.
haha good journal :)
s1lent=boenish or polanski?
only one player from SpeedMix is native from Germany, others are turkish or smth...
looks like you are a polak too tim!
i'm turkish!

Döner Kebab siktir lan!!!
I was refering to your football team :D it was a joke huhu
polaks cannot into 6on6
Wednesday 4 June 2008 19:00

those were the times sample was clean. 1 year later he was unbeatable with his hacks
it was Lithuania / Poland that bashed Germany in 1410,it wasnt just the polaks alone >:(
expected ":D"
its the truth,lithuanians were awesome back in 1400's but then they got scammed by polaks,imo lithuania shuda just taken over the pooland
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