Andy Whitfield (Spartacus) Dead

:( rip. no spartacus no life
he was so cute :S
rip, great actor
Ah that sucks. Was hoping he would recover from it a bit. Good actor RIP in peace.
indeed, i had a little hope to see him in a future spartacus season, just like Dexter.. but seems like it won't happen :|
The guy that plays Dexter had something similar?
QuoteHall accepted his Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award in 2010 while wearing a knitted cap over his bald head, having lost his hair due to chemotherapy.

Wow, touching and inspiring. Had no clue to be honest, and he was undergoing the same disease as Andy....
Yeah, but Dexter seems to have a bit more luck ^^ i think he is okey now and recording the new dexter season ^^
andy whitfield had non-hodgkin lymphoma which is much more serious

hodgkin lymphoma is less aggressive form of cancer and you have better chance of surviving it
You wrote "RIP in peace", so basically he has to rest in peace while he rests in piece.
It is Crossfire tradition to write RIP in peace, don't you think I already know what it means? ;_;
rip sad thing to hear
damn, I was hoping he will return for some next series or smth.. too bad
fucking liam hes too girly for it... wont be the same without Andy
so sad, rest in peace : (
epic guy. born to play spartacus just as vigo fucking mortensen was born to play aragorn
So sad... :(
RIP Andy!

Was looking forward to see the next season with him in the lead role, I was hoping for him to get better...what a shame to see great actors dying young... :(
RIP, was hoping to see him back

RIP Geordi La Forge
he was sick for a long time, i hope he hasn't to much pain in his last days.

R.I.P. Great movie Spartacus
Horrible :-(
RIP The bringer of rain, the slayer of theocoles, the champion of capuaa! </3
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