new LoL style

image: urgotjungleop

urgot jungle op
also dont forget support jarvan
gtfo with LoL
prepare for shitstorm
no merc treads? no wonder you are at 1300 :p

We found ourself a member.
LoL rocks fuck all the haters
41 min and only 157 minion kills as ad carry. Skilled oppo.
wtf fucking feeders...and learn to farm god dammit
veigar better in jungle
nice 5 kills 13 deaths -__- so OP
gregor play with me some day, Ive played like 6 games and 've had positive stats on 4 of em
ye ok but i play west
Ive got no friggin idea what you talking about
im on eu west server, thats all

there is split
eu west + east&nordic

got tired of russian thats why i switched
I suppose Im with east/nordic also then :(
ye but u can switch easily in shop (tab called 'other' i think)
1. got no riot points for the switch, any other way to do it?

2. how do I get riot points?
there is no needed to pay for first switch
doesnt appear so :/

"Unfortonately you dont have...
Good news! You can purchase blabla"

e: catch up with me @ IRC
8 games losing streak going on for me :(
Shit game is ubershit
polaks are not allowed to play on west server, plz play on east server!
jungle karthus > all

ult from nowhere :D!
even people that play ranked can't farm, :(.
Best thing i ever seen is morde with clarity and smite , of course it was ranked game , obviously he didnt speak english and fed hard
i think you got trolled
I had that urgot in my team when played on my friends account some ranked ~two days ago or smth

I think he played cassiopeia mid and died 17times in that game
Anivia 34 0 12 bashing noobs hard
cool. nice swiftness boots udyr btw.
the more i play this game the more i start disliking it
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