FIFA 12 demo out now

Just letting you guys know, fifa 12 released the demo for pc and xbox today :)

Download link for FIFA 12 DEMO on PC:

image: 6139415369_7da27c3224_b

I read "Wolfenstein Enemy Territory 2 Demo Out Now"

its funny how u can sell the same game each year with just a few graphic updates to millions of people...
new players
you can download the players update ...
gfx are worse than previous version :D!
so its getting even more pathetic.
they always do shit like this once in a while they just want to release the game every year, gameplay is even worse.

was gonna pre-order after playing demo not even gonna buy it.
its ea, i actually was surprised years ago when they took over c&c and did quite nice job there.. but fifa is just ridiculous to watch...its obvious collecting money from utter dumbfucks every year
and still people love to play the game for a whole year
I think you're right, 09 and 10 are just the same game play.
11 is more complicated with dribbling and shooting.
I will see how 12 goes.

but yeah, its just sad to change a little part of the game..
the ps3 version will be ready to download tomorrow
fuck this shit, i want it now :(
want it? got a illegal version!
Give me your PSN ID.
Give me yours
Pre-ordered for the xbox :)
make a US account for ps3 and you can also download today

edit: should be 11pm CET
Can't install it :<
I had to uninstall my Fifa 11 before I could :/
if u make a pc version expect people to not a have a controller and make it possible to assign keyboard keys ffs
can you play it with an xbox360 controller? never played fifa on pc before
xbox live is down :'(
I'm glad you came?
cancer game, fifa 11 is way better than this shit
indian get it on console where its MEANT TO BE PLAYED FIFA INIT :D
dewd they said this year pc, xbox n ps3 version is gonna be same i have xbox controller with usb.
new defence is shit tbh ...
glad u can switch it to the old style in controller options
lolz thanks, didnt even notice it
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