Good morning crossfire hehee

sup crossfire? Just woke up one hour before i was supposed to, crazy shit cause i went to sleep like 4am. Nowdays with messy sleeping patterns i happen to see wierd fucking dreams all the time, its cool on the other hand but then again i wake up often cause of them :D ( one day i got job in my dream and woke up right after like WTF NIGHTMARE )

Today i saved a some granny from fire and then found a love of my life, how awesome shit is that? what does it means dreamspecialists?

First thing i did when i woke up was checking irc, suprise suprise razz has pm'd me 69 times on 0500am to ask me play 3on3 ( lol nerd ), then obviously i went to check TS and who was there... our very own razz still sitting on TS and waiting m8's to return, crazy aint that? Talked him a little and left, gonna make some coffee and eat + shower before heading into college in hour or two, if at all, its fucking raining shitloads and gay shit.

Hows ur day so far and what u going to do today?

image: 60298161946147153902144

OfF tO wOrK
dentist in 1hour
Hey mind
yo! sup? back from work or?
bed time haha, was watching thte rugby :P
just decided to stay at home because my throat hurts a little

image: y3wGf
Good morning mind, today im gonna work and then go study for upcoming exams. Maybe go to the gym. I wonder what razz actually does for a living if he can play et all night??
didnt know you were in college

my morning just started, gonna drink some coffee and go to school 10:30
mitennii et tienny..
oon ymmärtäny et käyt toisen asteen koulutusta etkä kolmannen
ei olla amerikas ny
ei olla ei, se ei silti poista sitä että collegella viitataan yleensä yliopistoon
ei euroopassa =P

uni on mitä haet
jaajaa, ite oon kyl aina luullu et college/uni vain korkeakouluista, eikä missään tapauksessa amiksesta...haluun vanhiksen vahvistuksen :)
Näin se on.
mikä tahansa translator vahvistaa / molemmat on sinänsä oikein mut mitä nyt eurooppalaisten kans puhunu täysin ni college on käytetty, ja uni käytetty ku puhe yliopistoist / wiki myös vahvistaa et käytännös se on molemmat mut niiku sanoin ni euroopas kyl yleisesti uni on ku puhutaa korkeekoulu/yliopisto /
Näköjään voi meinata mitä vaan oppilaitosta.
collegella viitataan korkeakouluun ja/tai yliopistoihin, ihan samalla tavalla ku universityllakin.
Kato ylös, niiku sanoin ni kaikkien eurojen kenen kans puhunu ni menee aikalail aina noin
That guy has some serious fucking problems.

Got college in half hour until 5:30 -,- going to be shit day.
I'll make my routine morning exercises soon, eat something and then going to uni in 2h. Didn't see any crazy dreams and was able to sleep like a baby today. :D

Oh, and all of those who are into rugby:

Just arrived to work, over an hour late. Gonna work until 17.15 our time, 16.15 CET. That basicly means phoning different companies and offering our website service to them. Well, work is like 2-3 hours, already downloading Lord Of The Rings online to play and gonna start Quakelive later. After that I'll give Estonia mant his laptop back, head home, game on and cook (spaghetti bolognese) and get a few beers and set myself ready for pracc and the CL ManU game.

Pretty much my entire day. Oh, if you need websites, I can give you guys a discount.
Welcome to Snowbourn[EU] when you've finished with downloading lotro. :)
good morning....!!!

i just woke up, going to shower soon, then uni. i have to introduce my business plan today which is a bar :D then i guess i'll come home and game hard
morning marko. u are here before me ! :o

old song:
schnee song:

rest later. we have brunch today in company with 15ppl cause someone leaves us to US

have a good day ;)

BTW STORY FIND SNOOP ON FB. HE CHANGED A LOT !!! was my highlight yesterday while browsing :D
Can't see your friendlist. :D
woooot??? how and where can i change??! :o weird!
FB, privacy settings. ;)
u should be able to see it :o dunno why not!
Just because I am not in your friend list. :)
i once got my skull bashed in with a brick in a dream

wtf subconcious?
lol razz such hardcore nerd :)
Got college in 1 hour, and I'm finishing at 6:00PM my time.
Other that that, I rolled humm3l in a 3v3 yesterday.
Then I asked razz, but he pussied out, nothing more expected from him.
And I can't find anything nice to wear. FUCK!
Eating warermelon at the pool.
r u Guys already missing me at ts ?

But the song it's awesome, Good luck
2nd + 3rd from right *_*
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