Trolling = jail

Sean Duffy.25 years old English guy.
A man has been jailed for 18 weeks for sending abusive messages on social networking sites.
And also he has suspended from using social networking sites for 5 years.

image: 1293222639026
This is sooooooooooooo yesterday...
Kamz on 14/09/11, 17:45:48 PM | Report | Reply

i aint being funny or nothing, but he looks a bit like crumbs
dictatorship !
wow... what about the free speech thing?
you would not be put in jail for insulting people at a funeral would you?
Most likely you would, maybe not jail but I'd imagine you'd get knicked for breach of the peace.
if youd do it numerous times in a row you would
lol 5 years wtihout intrawebs

lol what
almost for a half of year with "in jail" status.
omfg first i was wtf is this world but after i read the post i kinda understand it
no troll will ever be as good as him

image: 353hvl

I wonder how this faggot never got in to jail or something...
Hi I'm Sean Duffy and I can troll a dead girl and her emotionally destroyed parents... worst troll ever. He should go to jail just being a shit troll imo.
better than jail is just to beat that faggot up
Reposting = jail
bb Jinosta
heard the first thing he said to the police was problem officer
Sean Duffy checked in at "Jail"
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