sharing my happiness

high my dearest people. I'm super happy today, and I know how much u'll care so I wanted u to rejoice together with me.

so today i passed my last and hardest exam on my 2nd uni year. macroeconomy, pretty fucked up shit and a crazy professor who wants only details.

and now I passed all of my exams and waiting for my 3rd year to start (10th october). so till then gonna drink and shag well every day. and best of all tomorrow is my bday. best fucking bday present evah.

tonight me and my friends who also passed this exam are preparing one epic party that will be remembered. gonna be awesome!

image: _100p

I iz häppy for you! Enjoy your day and break some pussy!
Didn't know that they have macroeconomy in Hogwart
it never gets old does it
de puta madre!! im happy for u! congratz :)
thank u saskia :PP
well done!
photoshop pic^^
howz u kno dat :O
macro economy is ez
dat ass

and what about the friends that didn't pass, NOT INVITED? worst day of their life, failed exam, not invited to an epic party :<
hahah they're invited, but they lack of motivation, so prolly not coming. guess why :<
Gratulations :)
happy for yaa :D
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