i need music
15 Sep 2011, 13:35
I need some good songs to listen on my way home
getting tired of the ones i have right now
only one small problem, youtube links only
i pretty much like any type of music
getting tired of the ones i have right now
only one small problem, youtube links only
i pretty much like any type of music
kid pl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grPfVlj7Go4&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PLC6C76EA37B0433EF
kid 2 pl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F6saMZY6uI&feature=BFa&list=PL8F524B1D29C18C25&lf=results_main
my not updated pl http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sauseschnee&aq=f
+ soundlcoud pl 230 tracks: http://soundcloud.com/schneee
some good songs
>album only 90mb
hope you dont do this
The more likely explanation is of course placebo, but I'll give him the benefit of doubt because I'm nice like that.
on portable players sure as fuck no and neither can anybody else
avicii all the way!
But ye, he is good
dig these?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svY95m3Au6U Chilling
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSy6FCImDqY Dnb