does this apply to you?

i was just wondering whether this picture does apply to you? it did to me

image: 7deb52d0218fb9644592766375f30b21

edit: another picture that i hope you guys havnt seen, didnt know it already had been posted :P

image: 120710_2226_Amusingexam13

image: gamer%20chick
if the right arm was on his junk you would have hit more ppl bro.
no im leaning back in my chair
Looks nothing like me right now...
chick sucks

since im now at my granny and there is no hotchicksprotection @ interwebzzz (unlike the hotel i stayed last 8 days) i can make a very nice awesome superb randomchicks journal very soon ;)

stay tuned
I lean on my left hand cause I use my right hand for my mouse :$
me too actually:P
the picture is a mirror, in case you didn't realize from the keyboard
The pic is representing a mirror, since the keyboard too is left handed
(inb4 left handed keyboards, its highly unlikely)
ahhhh ok :)
that's pretty much exactly how I was sitting
hahaha that 2nd one is nice:P
the 2nd one is saved in my brain, could need this :D
I once draw a funny face in a math test I'm so crazy
lol so true :)
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