new headset.

hola crossfire

I am looking for a new headset, as the last ones i had were razer piranha. then my little 10 year old cheating "female" brother went into a rage and tryed to snap them(failed epicly) just slightly bending them and snapped the mic off.

therefore i was hoping that all of the crossfire community could post pics and links of they're headsets and such. no price limit. no specific ones. just good.


Steelseries Siberia V2, works well and with decent price
How much will it cost around? as i really like these
Mine cost like 39,99e but it had small discount. Had fatal1ty over 3yrs so i wanted to try something new.
e: Seems like its price has gone up a little. Average price in finland is about 50-60€
60€ at Finland, 90€ with the soundcard
had that one 2. broke in half :(. got steelseries 4H now
Don't bother getting steeleries or Razer headsets. Just get a decent sounding headset and then get a cheap-o mic.
btw, i am NOT 10 years old and I sure as hell ain't a female ;\
Ur teh best covert ops in ET history
yes we know you hate SSeries :p
Ive seen Attack The Block yday:

I had to think of you when I heard all the chav talk :D
SteelSeries Siberia V2 best headset. Cost me around 50e
What is your price range?
Sennheisers have always served me well
sennheiser hd 555
never buy a headset, never buy anything gaming eSports branded when it comes to audio.
image: 1751361

logitech g35, the best one
looks like a robot
wtf is that thing :D

"Ground control to Major Tom..."
haha, just type in the name in youtube and watch ;)
somepost headset guide danke
Needs to be a sticky or some shit, autoban for a day would be nice. So many 'need new headset' journals all the time :<
Yea this site needs some section where there are tutorial kind of things with the most common et/pc problems fixed, Headset,Headphone guide and a guide like image: 62234
Razer Carcharias

image: razer-carcharias-gallery1

It's the one I got after I had the piranha and its really good
+1 with a nice Audio Card they are actually pretty good

no chick, no more help
I got the Steelseries Siberia V2, works really well. At the moment I just use it to listen to music. But in your case, for gaming, it would also be a great headset.
sennheiser hd 201
Audio Technica ATH-W1000x with mic from Icemat Siberia White
image: ATH-W1000X_20100502161010s
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCyeE1XBaK3A7p1joRnIS7Uqmyx3B1lZ9hXsEd2fiCrgjkjJGP8W9pYibp
got this mic, its shit.
got it for like 4 years, never had any problems with it (and there were no complains about its quality, eventhought its a bit more sensitive than most other mics coming with headsets, but it worked like a charm on lan, so in overall it performs well)
sennheiser pc151 is enough

its cheap and has very good quality. you wont need anything above, since the soundsettings of ET are limited (so they are for other games.) you would only hear a difference, if you were using mp3 or wav files with more than 400 kpbs (or whatever its called)

my sennheiser fell down like 1000 times and its still working. dont waste your money for that new wnb high-tech shit

e: bought mine 2 years ago for 50 eu
basically right, got mine for 2,5 yrs now, the sound is good, teh mic works rly good, and mine fell down many times!

but one thing i hate about it, if u rly nerd hard, for like 4 hrs in a row, it starts to piss me of on my ears!

but anyway good one!
Steelseries 5h v2
PC 360
image: pc_360


image: steelseries-siberia-v2_118531808
razer tiamat 7.1

image: Razer-Tiamat-1
That is one ugly piece of plastic.
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