kri movie

not interesting
not interesting
veri kuut
lekkere movie baas
Cool movie!:D
Koen, wanneer zetten we die chillsessie dan
hahaha weet ik veel
ben komende tijd wel druk met school en kermis ^^
bad music
mostly smg triple kills
on some scenes you kill only 3 or 4 not gibbing a single one of em and opponent ends up making the obj
most frags end to opponent reviving each other (which is bad, mkay?)
a 3on3 frag versus mixed with all 3 being low & noone shooting back was just.... :D
gay death animation
never plant a mine right next to the tank :D
I believe I even saw some double kills .... :D

in overal, didnt like it. gl with the next one!
agree every single point +1
Quoteon some scenes you kill only 3 or 4 not gibbing a single one of em and opponent ends up making the obj

sometimes i dont have enough ammo, other times i expect my teammates helping or the opponent just heals too fast

Quote a 3on3 frag versus mixed with all 3 being low & noone shooting back was just.... :D

I think I know which moment u are referring to, i didnt even check that demo :P

Quote gay death animation


Quote never plant a mine right next to the tank :D

actually, my teammates have fucked me over over 999x times by tripping a mine like that

Quote I believe I even saw some double kills .... :D

no u didnt
skilled my ass XD
brb my ass XD
shit music
shit death animation ( et-image for frapsmovie-like LOL pardon ?? )
annoying frags
that big draw gun pl0x -_-

not even decent, expected more from " helo cheatah " 8)

image: nSdz
image: pFQX
recorded it without fraps
i understood but, better to use fraps for a movie like this ( easier and take less time )

thats why i said "et-image for frapsmovie-like LOL pardon ??"
fraps gives me r_gamma 0.1 footage
it delay me hitsounds here
lekker hoor koen.
nice movie,
too bright at some points & the music isn't my thing.
Still pretty cool!
Sorry, had to smirk for few moments at gr & adler where you failed the objective :)
yes sometimes its just impossible to do obj or prevent the enemy from doing obj

i gues u didnt notice the not selfkilling/gibbing parts
"impossible" you always try and do it, not just give up, that triple-frag doesn't give u anything..
i know but sometimes u cant reach the obj
i always play for the obj
most kill are fragstealers when you take a close look;PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Good job though it needs some improvements :D.
Cut out the parts where you die or where the enemy gets the objective or leave out those frags completely. Didn't like the music either. And leave out the random 3on3 rapefrags as well.
nice one, hitsounds + quality.
kanker muziek
if(music != hardstyle)
printf("kanker muziek");
printf("lekkere muziek man");
wat loop je nou te poepen
I like your work. it could use a few improvements like cutting out the parts where you die or random rape :D but to me it seemed fine, liked the music nice frags.
good to see someone spending time to make a decent movie.

how long did it take to make?
Is my sound fucked up or you just weren't shooting headshots?
Must be your sound.
I had it turned real low. And there was no flame intended in that comment.
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