ET download speed

My ET downloads files from server only 10KB/sec.

How to increase it?

Others seem to load faster

EDIT: Another problem is always when I exec my config I get kicked for 'invalid password'. How to fix it?

as u are
JZUZ, that just brilliant!
Set up a WWW dowload.
Doesn't cl_wwwdownload 1 just throw me on some www site?
nope, if it doesn't, the server isn't configured properly.
its because the servers don't have a download ftp site set for players to download or the server only allows like max download rate 10kb/s or its a cvar in ur cfg
Yes a lot of the times it will do, all depends if the server is set up correctly.
if i see its slow i deisconnect and google missing files :)
Me too but some TJ maps cannot be found by googleing:(
remove the password cmd in ur config file
I don't have any password related commands in my cfg. It is because cvar_restart which I need to do everytime I start up my ET because my old cfg is executed instead of my current one. That's because I had somehow autoexec in my ETPro folder.

Thanks anyways:)
cl_wwwdownload 1

delete "g_password" or "cvar_restart" to not be kicked after executing ur cfg ( because it load another pw when u exec ur cfg, or it just take default pw )
Yea I was thinking it was something to do with cvar_restart.
So I need to do /exec default or what because when I start ET it executes my old CFG instead of my new cfg.

Deleted autoexec.cfg from my ETPro, I will soon test if it works:)
delete every autoexec and put ur new autoexec ( cfg )

u may need to do cvar_restart and exec autoexec 1 time or 2 in etmain & etpro before it load automaticly ( delete also profil in programe file, etmain, etpro etc )
remove the cvar_restart on your config
all this guys who are talking about wwwdownload failed hard. as long as the server don't let u download from a website or linked a website in the serverconfig then u will not download faster with wwwdownload 1 xD

allowdownload 1 is totaly enough.
Yes, a redirect is needed.
cl_allowdownload 1
If the server ip has changed the wwwbaseURL is probably wrong in your server.cfg file.

E.G. I moved my server from GER to NL. Forgot to change the ip (wwwbaseURL) in my server.cfg. Download speed max 10kbps. -> make ur your wwwbaseurl is correct.
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