Mouse tuning @ Win7

Once again I am in need of the fine programs to change my USB polling rate and take this damn acceleration off. I just did a format and now I have a brand new(= pirated less then 30mins ago) Windows 7.

Help me friends!
Google can give a lot of hit and misses.. asking here is 100% profit.
Use "I am lucky"
Use iceQ link + markC windows7 accel fix.
Thanks. Il add the markC download link here just in case I look here again sometimes in the future:
image: VoUcL

That's it for acceleration. MarkC mouse fix does nothing regarding ET, as ET (or any other Q3 engine game for that matter) is not affected by the bug it fixes. Use RInput if you're still paranoid of Windows adding acceleration to your game, as it actually affects something with ET unlike MarkC.
I am playing CS but are you sure it works like that? I already did the markC patch and too tired to test but I will check it out tomorrow.
CS1.6 has a -noforcemspd command line setting that fixes the bug, thus you don't need the mousefix with it IF you use that command - if you don't, it's affected by the enhanced pointer precision bug and you'll have acceleration.
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