19 Sep 2011, 08:31
just woke up, missed my first class already at uni(again), huh, hate this kind of morning lessons, gonna go for second tho, and basketball training in the evening(like) :)
how is your morning?
have a nice day
how is your morning?
have a nice day
But I can eat everything I want and play some flashgames too every now and then so its not all that bad or so.. Just 15 more weeks to go!
have a nice day
It's monday and I'm already tired. Yeah!
Except yesterday since I had to party hard (yeah, already :D).
Btw, do you listen to some music at work? From youtube?
well i listen radio and soundcloud , some youtube .
I'm sure i would improve my results if, at my exams, i could listen to the same songs i listen to when i'm studying :)
Your first link is pretty entertaining even if it's an awesome song' remix
I smoked 3 packs during the last 2 weeks and even had like 6 parties during that time and still managed to last those 3 packs.
From yesterday on I am smoke free and this week is gonna be hell for me :D I think I'm gonna be stressed out and unfocused, but we'll see :D
In case you could think, that if you smoke one cigarette without getting addicted again: you are wrong.
happened to me several times.
I smoke about two packs a week max atm, and I can quit anytime I want. I've deliberately made the decision to smoke for a certain period, or not smoke. It doesn't affect me that much I guess.
Good luck btw!
But mostly like 2 days 1 pack. Sometimes 1 pack per day.
Anyway, 2 days 1 pack isn't all that bad, you should be fine after not having smoked for like 5 days imo. Good luck again!
But thank you for the luck. Gonna need it:D
No you can't. That has to be the most typical thing an addict can say.
You are not me so you do not know how I deal with smoking :)
I actually quit before the summer because I wanted to start sports again. Now I have an injury that will keep me from playing football untill january so I started smoking again a few weeks back. I can just handle smoking or not smoking, I don't crave cigs, that's why I smoke like two packs a week max.
So don't put me in a box, I am quite sure I am not an addict.
I'm rolling a joint as we speak! :D
But yeah, the feeling is great when I get there.