
just woke up, missed my first class already at uni(again), huh, hate this kind of morning lessons, gonna go for second tho, and basketball training in the evening(like) :)

how is your morning?
have a nice day

i didn't have school today and that is pretty nice :P gonna watch wwe night of champions when it gets downloaded and gonna attend aikido practise later today :) + of course play some ET morning games with m8 when he is back from gym.
another 09:00 to 17:00 internship day, consider yourself lucky only having to follow lessons. I sit behind a computer screen all day typing random stuff and doing some research (HUGE dislike)

But I can eat everything I want and play some flashgames too every now and then so its not all that bad or so.. Just 15 more weeks to go!

have a nice day

didnt have morning lessons, luckily remember it this time before going to school (unlike last week). leaving there soonish
just ate breakfast and soon ill go on a turkish basar and buy some nice cheap things :-)
just arrived at work. fucking tired

Going to uni in two hours.
It's monday and I'm already tired. Yeah!
still tired!
Mmmh, I slept very well last week end.
Except yesterday since I had to party hard (yeah, already :D).

Btw, do you listen to some music at work? From youtube?
That's great if you're allowed to listen to your own music and not to some crappy radio!
I'm sure i would improve my results if, at my exams, i could listen to the same songs i listen to when i'm studying :)

Your first link is pretty entertaining even if it's an awesome song' remix
Quitting smoking after 9 years so this week is quite harsh.

I smoked 3 packs during the last 2 weeks and even had like 6 parties during that time and still managed to last those 3 packs.

From yesterday on I am smoke free and this week is gonna be hell for me :D I think I'm gonna be stressed out and unfocused, but we'll see :D
you started smoking with 11?
Not my proudest moment...
gl with that! You will make it.

In case you could think, that if you smoke one cigarette without getting addicted again: you are wrong.
happened to me several times.
I am not so keen about quitting. If I even manage to get the rythm I have had for 2 weeks I am okey with that.
how much did u smoke per week?

I smoke about two packs a week max atm, and I can quit anytime I want. I've deliberately made the decision to smoke for a certain period, or not smoke. It doesn't affect me that much I guess.

Good luck btw!
It does affect you :D

But mostly like 2 days 1 pack. Sometimes 1 pack per day.
I know it affects me, but I don't notice it all that much :P

Anyway, 2 days 1 pack isn't all that bad, you should be fine after not having smoked for like 5 days imo. Good luck again!
Last 2 weeks I managed with 3 packs and I didnt even have the urge to smoke more etc.

But thank you for the luck. Gonna need it:D
"I can quit anytime I want"

No you can't. That has to be the most typical thing an addict can say.
I have quit several times already, for long periods of time. I started smoking again because I wanted to, not because I had to.

You are not me so you do not know how I deal with smoking :)
I actually quit before the summer because I wanted to start sports again. Now I have an injury that will keep me from playing football untill january so I started smoking again a few weeks back. I can just handle smoking or not smoking, I don't crave cigs, that's why I smoke like two packs a week max.

So don't put me in a box, I am quite sure I am not an addict.
Well I would not call that quitting. If you quit, you do not start again. That's the point of it.
If I could care enough to quit forever I would ánd could :p
something tells me you are anti-smoking :p

I'm rolling a joint as we speak! :D
Yeah of course I'm anti smoking as it's senseless. Smoking weed is different, I don't mind that.
Well I agree it is senseless indeed! I wouldnt recommend anyone to start smoking :p
Guess when you manage the week and party on the weekend while being around smokers without smoking yourself you got the worst behind you. :)
That's why I chose sunday to quit completely :D
Well good luck! See it at as chance to prove your determination. It's a good feeling when you have not given in even though you were shaking at a party where you have been drinking and everybody was smoking and you didn't. :)
Already have had 3 parties with smokers and I smoked in every 4 hours. ( before I went cold turkey)

But yeah, the feeling is great when I get there.
kus kossu mängid donkeyboy :S
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