cf afternoon journal
20 Sep 2011, 14:46
So, the weekend is finished and we all had some beer. Maybe this video helps you recognize the types of drunks there are, pretty funny.
what type of drunk were you this weekend?
what type of drunk were you this weekend?
i'm not any of these types
And Pro's (except I don't lose :p)
I meet up a lot of Bro's though
got 600MB of hem
Hi :D
EDIT: CBA to watch the video, was so annoying.
Im pretty quiet drunk :(
I smoke a lot when drunk (every smoker does I suppose)
Usually dont remember much of what Ive done
En welke ben ik? Jij mag kiezen :P
(Ook al stopte Papa Drees ons in getting drunk goed --> mooie zin)
Heb ik gezegd dat ik dronken was dan? (terwijl ik dat niet was, dan hadden pa en opa me vermoord xD)