deus ex, hi frop

Before any of you helltoads start bitching about this journal being about deus ex rather than being a simple (url) or some insignifigant shitnews about some noname clan changing lineups, then please take the time to stfu. (c) big oldsql progamer

LOL I BOUGHT IT and now imma paly paly, worth the time ????

like.... buying games is kinda newbie@2011

but looks fuckin awesome :D
you can't talk about warez in this gamng site so i bouGHHT IT :D

respect to the developers bro
true, is like buying a song on itunes or a music cd at fnac. Anyway looks pretty sick so I think you made a good buy :)
tell me then if it is worth
depends. if u buy them for console it is not. 8) i've moderated ps2 so i can download and burn games for it and also play ntsc/jp versions! havent bought a moderated xbox360 yyet =(
original one cost like 60e hahaha i use to play the jp version of pes in a ps2 :D
I didnt really get your point but yeah hahaha
me neither lol I lost my self in the translation xD
just had to force myself to stop playing so i can sleep, shit is epic!
I have the same problem
First Deux Ex is better, but thats just the stuff i've heard! Hf nerding it anyways :))
hey dunzy how you doing?
yo shaun im good, how are you?
good bro just got home from work now gonna play some pub then go for run then sleep :)
hey dunzy how you doing?
yo ipod im good, how are you?

im actually looking on my 8gb ipod OLOL

gonna go sleep laterz
I'm bored mate!
Don't leave! :(((
And I don't even have an ipod :DD
Sometimes its good to leave the comfort zone and buy and try new games, and this is one of them. What a masterpiece. I havent played first DE in a while but I could almost say this surpasses it.

Use stealth all the way
same, and yes, it's quite good indeed imo, but a bit bugged; e.g. if you strafe and move forward in a 45° angle you are as fast as the movement style 'above'. run becomes sprint without more noise, sneak becomes run ;)

also it's too easy to lure all the enemies to one body and stun them^^
Did you try the final level without killing anyone?
nah started over a while ago as "rambo"...too easy... even on hard. stopped playing atm though, finishing DA2 yet again
DA2 kinda sucks :/
at least DA1 is far better imo, yea, just playing through with all classes, is all
yeah DA1 is so much better :) i only realized DA2 sucks more than i thought after i played witcher 2, that game killed DA2 in all aspects :D
couldn't play w2, had flickering lightning effects all over the place, already in the intro and first steps, sucked hard, so... :(
update the game if you havent, they changed a lot of stuff. i played without problem. too bad you cant play coz its a great game :(
whats DA2 again? :D

but trying the final level without killing is a bitchhhhhhhhhh with all the know what I mean, dont want to spoil it :0
dragon age 2 (PS: stunning is imo even easier than killing^^)
they released a patch almost instantly that fixed the bugged movement and significantly improved load times

would recommend it
Didn't like. Could never beat original deus ex :)
So much violence, no wonder they have London rights, school shootings and stuffs these days now Marilyn Manson isn't being blamed.

image: think_of_the_children
race you home lolololol
Bugger off, I won yesterday, won't be home until gone 7 today probably.

Speak to you later :*
awesome game. played stealth all the way to the end. game is also not short, around 30 hours long.
actually really going to buy it when it's a little cheaper. reviews looked awesome.
havnt played it yet but i consider buying it

tell me if its good
finished it weeks ago.
usually dont like stealthy game but this one more or less has to be played that way.
enjoyed it alot and was looking forward to each and every upgrade.
dont like singelplayer ;(
im not normally interested in games anymore but i am gonna try this one out in the next coupla days when i have some time
hey dunzy how you doing?
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