Star Guitar!

Just realised how clever this video actually is, I used to do this all the time as a kid and brings back amazing memories of journeys around the UK with family.

You used to do what all the time as a kid?
Car stereo playing music, sync the objects outside with the music.
Oh, I didn't even notice that. :p
Wait till I tell Chilecasek about this!
He took flight.
He is pro man!
And rose above all!
haha shit hot idea
was waiting for crash
Still doing it while riding my bike to school. Not that I slow down and speed up intentionally, it's just fun to find out you're driving the exact speed to sync your driving with the music :)
i got tears in my eyes while watching the vid (but because i forgot to close them for 2 minutes)
Also a great song!
This song was danced so hard to recently. So hard. The only song I remember from that night though I'm sad to say.
I always try do that shit in the train as well :)

Clever video indeed!
I still do it.
i daydream like that all the time
Pretty sick!
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