Steam Games

Got this coupon for Steam, so I'd like you to give some ideas on what to buy.

- Should be under 25 euros ( shouldn't be 1 single game, might be 2/3 games )
- No Brink / CS 1.6 / Half Life / Dead Island / Portal (2)

image: shayinstripes
U have Dead Island Piegie m8?
you are not Piegie
you are not Piegie
hmm is it good
BFBC2, maybe over 25€ tho
no bf:bc2 20€
try Brink/CS 1.6/Half-Life/Dead Island/Portal (2)
Save the coupon until the next Steam sale. Steam frequently has special weeks where they sell a lot of new and old games for massively reduced prices.
Hmm, have they already announced a weekend or do they just pick some random weekend ?
Sometimes it's a weekend, sometimes it's one or more weeks. I haven't read anything about a new one coming up, but I wouldn't be surprised if they'd do a Fall sale or something of the sorts.
Aight thanks :)
ALWAYS sales during holidays

Also make sure that the ticket really work then(like, read past sales events if tickets like this is eligible, in other areas of life they are most often not).
Whos the chick?
The left4dead pack with the two games
nice chick piegie!
some ideas:

Braid (£7)
AaAaAA!!! (£7)
Shank (£8)
Trine (£16)
Capsized (£6)
Super Meat Boy (£12)

listen to Froop and get them on sale
Awesome chick!
either stuff that you want to play the MP of, so new and you wont get far with 25.
so rather old stuff you wouldnt usually get access to.
get the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. collection, most epic of epic games.
just get portal for free
bad company 2

portal 2/1.6
terraria :_D
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