low sens = less recoil

QuoteIt's bizar, you have less recoil then me? Is that your config or just a hack? :rolleyes:

easy to explain why less recoil, i got a really really low sens
and if there would be any hax, you would see it eh

Isnt this a lame cheater lie? or does low sens really make less recoil?

image: garga_1073757765_mytho
No, this isn't. This is drama.
You mean low sens really makes less recoil?
As soon as i post a question, a topic, you're always here to reply very fastly. are you online h24 on this site?
As soon as you think the outcome is the same as the input
He's making shit up. Sensitivity has no effect on the game physics.
If anything, the effect is the opposite: you can minimize turnspread by making your turns as fast as possible, and of course low sens does nothing to help you with that.

The only way you can affect recoil is by having your framerate close to 71 (shown by tests, no clue why it's the magic number). Having it lower increases it a bit and having it higher increases it a lot.
but u have to mix it with the right fov if u do it with fov 90 then ur recoil is higher and as higher ur fov value as lower is ur recoil.
fov doesn't affect recoil either
No honey, just because you feel that way doesn't mean it's actually happening
Real guys play with fov 90!
real guys play with 120
i only use 120 with strafe :<
cause it's feels faster or? :o
Jup:p So :D and for shooting 90 before that i was using 105 before that i was using 95! i am pro! drawgun 0! THA BOM!
yeah, this is also what i heard

only some value of maxpacket and maxfps wile make us have less recoil, and this has nothing to do with sensivity

wanted to be sure about it
so you think now, that he is a cheater?
Not entirely true, having a lower sense has no effect on any game-related physics indeed. Though with a lower sense you, occasionally ( more often than not I would say), stay below the turnspeed-treshold that activates the exponentially increasing recoil (spread?).

Edit : Or I seem to be confusing the terms recoil / spread, nvm that, but I'll let that comment linger here as some people might find it informative.
speaking of et recoil and spread are the same. there is actually no recoil since your xhair isnt moving (at least not when shooting with the smgs), so the only thing that influences your accuracy is spread.
pistol and pistol akimbo have recoil
Fast turns = less spread

That's why 180 script made you immediately turn 180 degrees and causing no spread.

And as Vanhaomena said: You can get less recoil to your pistol/sniper with 71fps.

This is how I got the thingy.
Higher FoV is what makes the damage screenshake seem smaller, while lower sens might mean you have less spread due to moving your aim less.
Not sure if theres anything resolution/ratio related that could help.
dunno why people still care about this dead game
dunno why you still care about this site
gtfo thats my flag
had it before u ! fosho
another day on xfire, noobs talking shit about an engine/game they dont understand
lol shithead seareal talking shit about others. 2012 coming for sure.
just pointing out the obvius myf riend
high fps lowers pistol recoil
low füs lowers pistol recoil, guess why so many ppl have maxfps 76/71 on weaponbank 2.
lol, wait, can u switch back to 125 fps with smg and then switch to 76 fps with pistol in game?
stop zeh trolling
omg im seriouz :<
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