RAM help

i heard some shit and read that u have to buy exact or something memory, RAM. :O

first of all im a shitnoob in all of these computer thingies, so I ask you CF what should buy?

heard some DDR3 DDR2 whatever thingies, anyway i need 2GB ram, how not to fail?

i have corsair 2GB (bought in 2k7, probably DDR2 right?)

i need extra 2 to run mah HoN smoothly.

halp :O)

image: z_d472d9c5
yes yes very much
buy same type as old one u having now in ur pc
how to check which one i have on PC :D, everest?
well normally description would be written on the RAM itself, probably on side of it, writing its company's name and how many GB it is, as for the DDR2/3, i think its up to motherboard which supports it, i forgot exactly now for it, as it was some time when i build up my pc, but i think it writes at the place where u insert ram at motherboard, so u will most likely need to open PC and check inside.
did some research, here's one link to a forum where u can see how to get info's of ram without opening pc.

Hope it helps

image: ram-merino

this one is ddm i think
its DDR2 for sure,
if its socket 775.
Well you do have ddr3 support now.
But back then not.
check motherboard ram recommendations
Ram won't help your shit gfx haha
You probably have DDR2 800 right now
get a spoon instead.
on sul see õige conf profiilis? Siis läheb sul DDR2. TÄPSELT samasugust ei pea ostma, kui just mingi 1337 mälu sees pole, siis võiksid küll vähemasti sama kiire osta. Muidu läheb tööle ka erinevad mälud. Arvestada võid, et mälud on kapriised asjad. Isegi 2 ühesugust ei pruugi töödata korralikult : )
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