Worstest fast food

image: 21-ya

Today, I felt like trying out that fast food restaurant next to university. I ordered 2 long bacons (1for free coz im awsum) with potatoes. AND WTF! I've never felt like this after eating... stomach cancer. What about their water-cola drink ridiculous omfg
MarseilleLeFrancis is disappoint. My Water Closets will remember this day imo if you guys see what I mean eheheheheh...

What do you think about it? What's worstest place to eat for you guys?

LoL is back on my computering pc, Marseilleme so happy :))) I'll maybe reach level 10 after a hard week of work :{D!

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image: SuperStock_1895-29853
pizza-RASHBI :~>
well in remote bases @ israel there are prolly 1-2 fast food you can choose from

pizza-rashbi is good but you run to the toilet after it so=lame :{
after time in service you learn to make awesome food :~> with only battle rations !!

like caramel etc :XD
btw sup with Palestine today? heard some shit about dat on tv
i rather teach you how to make caramel with battle rations

its way more interesting :~D
do it so :XDDDDDDDD
well you need:

tuna can
corn can
and peanuts can :~>

you open the tuna can, and ignites using papers (tuna oil is very flammable :~>)

now you take the corn can and eat all of it, now cut it from both directions and put in around the tuna can so you can catch all the heat

now take the peanuts can and wash it with water to remove all the salt
now fill it with water and add lots of suger (also in battle ration) and put it on top of the tuna can and WALLA :D:AS:D:A:D:

peanuts with caramel :~>
there are alot more !!!

but i cant see if you are being sarcastic :{
Kofsat botnim????
Ma ze? Meifo?
bamanot krav yesh botnim :~>
lefahot lanu aya ela eim ken shinu at ze :XD
lol had one a couple of days ago :D!
golan heightsjEE :~>
although usually we order (lolz funny it reminds me of francis) le pizzale :DF:DS
son i'm disssssaaapppoooiiinntt......
never and never eat food in university

Coffee is cheap and decent thought
i just ate @quick 2 days ago, hadnt eaten there for about 7 years or smthin :D
i enjoyed it very much, maybe quick in france is just garbage
what had u ordered?
just a cheeseburger & some fries :p
k, maybe not alot can go wrong there
was also a very nicely decorated place, so i guess that contributed to me liking it so much :)
Poland Kasia <333
This chick does porn <3
who is she ?
Kasia, what Panda said

(i m not proud of myself, btw :D)
googled and wanked, mission accomplished. thanks
yea she's the one with the dildo to the bed right?
Indeed, she is ^^
Belgium Lunch Garden
omg pic. brb wank
need name of that chick!
i once got one w/o zeh beef
? you just got the bun?
yeap... alltho it was elmaco or sumthing :D
dont eat that, you'll get fat!
McDonald, no doubt. Once had a tooth or chicken's claw or sth in a chicken nugget.. Didn't buy them since.
Lol it was my tooth, gimme back!
I'm sorry, I lost one of mine from biting on it, so I put that thing in instead.
what really?!?!
you could have sued them!!
you could be rich man!!
oh fuck... why this isnt happening to me? xDD
Hope your question is related to my first comment. And I'm not from the US, would of gotten pretty much nothing out of it, maybe some free meals by complaining at the customer support or however it is called, but I was too disgusted by whatever it was to think of that in that moment.
haha ok :D
this is comprehensible ;)

just read some story's about crazy sues.. thats why i wrote that :P
Not bad chick.
especially fo ya<333
Don't like most burger places anymore. Last time I visited a BK (may 2010 I think) I felt so shit for the next couple of hours. Totally sick and out of any energy. Don't really like the snack shops either though, the ones where you can get Bratwurst, Currywurst and fries etc.

If it has to be fast food, I'm mostly going for kebab (if the place looks halfway clean), or Subway (rather expensive though).
I'll do that in teh future tbfh
it seems like you havent visited any burger place for years tbh
Not often at least. Maybe 5-6 times in total in the last 2,5 years.

Kebab is pretty regular though, 1-2 times per month, mostly on drinking tours in the early morning :-D
lol well i used to eat a kebab once a week,
then i joined the army :(
that could also be cuz you were on a heavy diet, without to much fat etc, so once youre body does it eat fast food it stresses out
Yeah, noticed that with other food already. Fat, salty, sugary. Stuff that is totally normal to other people makes my body go crazy and I feel shit. :-O

Don't think it's too bad though :)
I just finished a roast subway. Subway restaurant located pretty much next to the #1 club in my city so I go there pretty often. Been sober there for one time (I think many Finns know this feeling)

not quite sure what Im talking about, the liqour works
C'est super connu que quick c'est pourri ! ils doivent avoir un mort dans chacun de leur "restaurant" ! Et je déconne pas.
pizza pepe
mcdonalds is so fucking bad

Kebab places only
some kebab shop where rats walk over the desk
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