Drinking journal
23 Sep 2011, 22:33
If you had an opportunity to choose whom with to drink, who would that person be?
From ET-community ofc, too much "I would drink Chuck Norris under the table"
And as said, this isn't a drunk-penis-race, just searching for the best drinking buddy, not who can take it most.
My choice would be / CorpseMaggot, I just know that he won't talk bullshit, has good music and won't be the one to fall down after few days. (+ an endless supply of moonshine)
What would be your choice(s) and why?
Now few songs about alcohol, enjoy
From ET-community ofc, too much "I would drink Chuck Norris under the table"
And as said, this isn't a drunk-penis-race, just searching for the best drinking buddy, not who can take it most.
My choice would be / CorpseMaggot, I just know that he won't talk bullshit, has good music and won't be the one to fall down after few days. (+ an endless supply of moonshine)
What would be your choice(s) and why?
Now few songs about alcohol, enjoy
propably a skandinavian guy or east europe guy.
There, it's out in the open, now what?
k after going through my friendlist id go drink some bEARS with:
panda, photo, Spree, ruben, Goku, Anaconda, Stowni, fisken, bamze, Schnee, Bulld0g, Evilynn, Matias, Olbaa, Zeku, Vanhis, Sukka, flushje, Kamz + queens ts, Robaciek,tosspot, spu and tanq
If I could drink with anyone regardless of if they're dead or not, obviously Miika!
From here, someone, mAna and you :3
Noose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9v9gMzoyik
And as much as I shouldn't when drunk (emotional LAD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9yH-P05c5c&hd=1
Oulu is on my places 'to visit' though.
Always fun at LANs with Night, Ronner, herbal and the rest of this 'crew' :-P
But then again, I know nothing.
Hmmm.... hard choice indeed.
and maybe 30% of the people I played ET with...
Vj,Zodiac,Hexagon, moldu!
ye ill learn him howto drinkkk
Thomm for lessons about life & entertaining stories
Taz for the lulz
dunz if I was hunting
kevlar, dunno actually why but Id think it'd be fun!
Piegie, Thomas, Cloud, Goku
Parzi, Levin(gonna drink with him in around a month anyways <3), Gungy, wsk, Gemb
+ all the old m8s
phobeus, karrde and balu :D my favourite magyars, not gonna explain, they are just cool and it would be nice to drink with them
Had an opportunity to drink with Lucas, Dolar, wiadro, wAldus/sosn4, shog, Xanah, Turki and many others :) + I would drink with them again
If u r talking about some1 from real life it would be Michael 'His Airness' Jordan :) or Nicole Scherzinger or Jeniffer Aniston :D
jestesmy bracmi z dwoch tych samych matek hejterze!
Eddo, suL1v, Otyg
Jewe (he so crazy, would love to see him drunk)