Razer Deathadder!

I am going to change my g400 to Deathadder. I wonder how different they are from each other? How much time does it take to adapt to Deathadder from g400 or from mx518. Shape?
Hirvi, promoting g400 24/7

"Going to change my g400 to Deathadder"
G400 itself is a great mouse but includes the big bad thing which all logitech mouses have. The cord problem.
ah :( Well, tried to get a free one already ? Buy the deathadder, but you'll have a spare g400.
Im just going to return G400 to the shop and get money back and buy DA. I have spare MX518 but it is broken and needs to be fixed. I have thought about fixing it but I am just too lazy:(
give them mx518 as a G400 and check out if they will notice deference :D
Which is easily fixable
Don't you need another mouse cable to fix it?
Also update pictures in your tutorial for it.
I don't have any external cords:(
Take it from a razer mouse :s
Buy razer mouse for 45euros. Take only the cord:D?
Most gamers own at least one broken razer mouse.
My MX518s lasted about 1 year and G400 about 3months. Deathadder can't be much worse.
I've has a few razer kraits break on me, but that's probably because I got them in korea.
From Korea??? WTF?
My MX518 has worked for 3 years :))
I have pretty low sensitivity might be because of that :o
Wont make a difference ;)
Well I flail around with my mouse so the cord might get damaged for that. That is the only logical reason why my MX518s and G400s broke so fast.
Yeah i'll get on that as soon as I can dude :)
I have the DeathAdder, had MX518 before I changed to it - do recommend, DA is a lot better (in my opinion)
Why the change? I have the same question. I sold my G500, thinking about a G400 (because i've always used Logitech mouses), but a DA could be a good choice too, although the shape is a bit weird for me..
well meight, personally i was using 510/518 for 3 years when decided switch to deathadder. in the beginning it's not good i think - needed couple of months to feel the right vibe (mostly because those logitechs are much heavier). on the other hand its about personal preferences i guess, maybe you will like it since first day.

och and try to get older one if you're able to - out of stock over here but eveything's possible @ Finland Vanhaomena's country, aye :D?
Why the old one? Isn't the new "sensor" better?
well i had an opportunity to test both and my old one moves more confident than old one (at least thats my feeling about it, may be placebo or w/e but i think its like with dinput - you can't see the difference until you'll play q3 and then et ;D).

overall i don't like those 3.5g sensors at all, but it may be because of my worn-out titan or just being braindamaged -.^
I guess it is a placebo effect. Have you been reading esraelity? I haven't check G400 topic, and i don't think i will adapt (that fast) to a DA, but my experience with G500 was terrible, i don't feel like buying a G400 and get the same feeling (totally shit mouse... HEAVY, laser is not in the middle, the skaters were BAD, 2 big for my hands...and so on..)
G400 is shaped as MX518
I know, thats why i prefer Logitech mouse, the shape is good for me.. haven't tested any razer which leaves me doubtful :|
well like i said - its possible but well am just typing about my own experiences and/or feeling & trying to be helpful in the same time :P

anyway stick to the da mate, it's absolutely worth it - still you know how is it like. i had 4 logitechs for 3 years due to broken wires (even though am able to fix it up temporary) while some people still use their mx500s since rtcw. on the other hand my deathadder works fine for 40 months (!) when some people complain about breaking side buttons or scroll. i hope that urs will be like mine - working flawlessly for such a long time. cheers and have a good night xx <3
Well DA is a bit more expensive than G400, but i might give it a try!
And well, all my equipments usually last forever, i treat them well :) I've read alot about broken wires and well.. i had a mx518 / g5 / 2x g500 and never had any problem. They are just like new mouses, the cable protection is not even 1mm broken. At the other side, i know some people that gave up on razer because their mouses were always broken (cable mainly), and they never had more problems with Logitech mouses.

I hope the new mouse is fine ^^ either way i will keep my G5 and sell my 2nd G500 ^^
image: index

like you can see, i have some kind of drawer for keyboard & mouse right under my desk, i guess thats the problem - its too short and due to lowsens - my cables in logitech mouses broke always @ same place (in the way-out of mouse, where wire starts). and like i said you heard about some unpleasant logitech's razer's customers, i heard about both - but in my case razer works better.
Why old one?
thomm ._________________.

image: a3bmtfwn
welcher finne ist denn kein alkoholiker?
I have a deathadder, the shape and therefore comfort is unbeatable and the drivers are flawless.
Razer lachesis FTW
I think it's my time to change to something totally different :) same for you, stop smocking!
deathadder é giro mas é para quem tem mãos pequenas, eu tenho o DA mas joguei durante muito tempo com o logitech do gertre, a diferença é apenas o conforto nada mais
Oi, eu acho que tenho maos "médias", o formato do G5/MX518 é bom para mim, mas o do G500 é muito grande..e como pego no rato de uma maneira esquesita, acho que o DA ia a ajudar a corrigir isso.. mas qual preferes? pk razer deixa me de pé atrás, não só pelo formato, mas tb pk pouca gente usa
O logitech acho que era um G5 laranja e gostei muito até porque é o rato ideal para quem vai a lans, plug and play 400dpis e não temos qualquer tipo de complicação. Com o DA, que connecta a 900dpis, tens que instalar drivers etc. Como as minhas mão são grandes posso escolher o G5/g400/mx518 por relação preço qualidade e conforto mas sem duvida que o DA é um rato mais preciso e rápido, sentes algo diferente que não sei bem explicar o quê. Vai fazer 5anos que tenho o meu DA e estou bastante satisfeito nunca me deu qualquer problemas para além que o firmware e drivers sao actualizados regularmente pela razer.
acho que estou rendido então... pk eu uso o g5 a 5 anos tb.. e o formato é bom, mas a nivel de precisao de afins não gosto mt... bate mal as vezes...
try to get da v1 (3g) becauze there is a different feeling about sensitivity and other stuff in the second version (3.5g) and i found the 3g much better for ET (the 3.5g is better imo in new games like crysis) maybe its placebo effect but thats how i feel with. otherwise get a diamonback.
Can't find any 3g at Portugal :| only 3.5g
check for diamonback, if you can get used to the grip and the shape it's a great mouse.

otherwise the 3.5g is also good but not as much as the 3g

EDIT : Think about zowie EC mice, its a great mouse!!! with great sensor and almost same grip as dadder but a bit bigger
Think i'm gonna go for DA 3.5g anyway since i've never experienced the 3G one and even if it is worst, i'm sure it is better than G5/G500 ^^ thx for the tips
Have DA and dont really like it. I prefer logitech mice overall except for the drivers.
Took me for like 1 week
deathadder too old..

Roccat Kone is the win
If I would buy better mouse would I be better player?
maybe your aim'll be better, nothing more.
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