bamkck from teh club

hehe 1;32 AM, bitches don't know how dunz clubbin

worst friday in months, was drinking bears with my good mate, had few laughs and good talks, now im at home.

why are you home??? homo? no party hard? ? ?


DEUS EX IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

image: deus_ex-_human_revolution_tgs_2010_trailer_hd-405953-1284972840
im at istanbul in my hotel and cant sleep cuz i drank 2 much beer with my father today :c
no party today need to stand up early on saturday driving to Sweden ikea to buy shit for new flat
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deus ex is awsome indeed
played 6 hours straight last night, sick shit
how comes you didnt finish it yet?
no idea :O, currently in hangshai(?) doing some shit, checking shit around

+ some say its around 30hours long, the game i mean, not your casual call of duty 5 hours gameplay game.

and the story is epic

biggest game i've played since half life series

oh well, fallout3 can count too
You've done all the side quests and explored the world?
not all side quests, but most of em
to bad you haven't played deus ex the first 1. If you liked this 1 try also the very first one.Has even better story than this, not to mention more possibilites!

The graphics may be outdated for the 1 st one, but there is also HD version.
dont know if you were serious with this question :D, but ill write a little bit more:

im playing it on "medium level" , started like that

had no idea what the fyck should i do, kill everyone and do obj, or sneaking stuff.

had a stop on police station, used youtube to pass it:D (noob), but after that it all wen't good

died alot, cuz bitches shooting me hard

anyway im "enjoying" this game, so thats why its taking that long ;(
it appears you are still in the second city. i wish i had gotten so many hours out of the game.
Bears should be beers right? or does my English fail 'that' much?
Beers should be bears!
already back aswell, gotto getup ezrly tomorrow :/
dunz pro in et and in real life
the question is: why are you home?
you're the one who is going out tonight and you're online at 1 AM :S
I just woke up. So I kinda missed the drinking.
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