Not back from the club.

Unlike all the liars, I didn't just got back from the club because:
1) It's only 23:50
2) I'm a geek.

So just drank a nice cup of milk with some cookies and playing ET atm.
Hell yeah!! Living wild! Maybe will watch supernatural after this, don't know for sure.

Failures: ''back from the club journals"

1) No one comes back from a friday night @ 23:50, even if you're from finland or russia, you don't come back at 2-3 a.m.

2) if you do, you don't write a journal.

3) if you do, you don't make typing mistakes in simple words, you just write non-sense + missing words.

So enjoy your friday gaming night, wispering to your ts/vent because your parents are still asleep, and stop pretending you went out.
Played some ET as well! Was sweet
well dunno about journals but i like to check out some chicks at facebook when I come back from some party :D
And a few days later you notice some "Likes" you do not even remember..
ate chips & did some 3dsmax stuff
Boy who goes to sleep with itchy asshole, wakes up with stinky finger??
You could always go to the toilet and whipe it with some tp.
dude. drinking / clubbing / is not big, or clever.... just look at dunzy.... hes fucked.
Played ET / drinking gaming, clubbing is overhated
Study . :D
came back from the club at 21:00 . tbh i wasnt really inside. I cant drink alcohol and i couldt be arsed to party without alc. life sux =(
i wish i had some cookies and milk
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