Standard ET maps are boring?


Why are everybody prefer maps like supply, delivery they are so overrated.

Just try Pirates, Erdenberg :)
missle_b3 best map!

watch haMMerzeit! vs. Queens on GamesTV replay!
delivery = very much hs cuz walls
Standard maps are : radar , goldrush, oasis, fueldump, railgun, battery
And those aren't even boring, wtf is this topic about
my point exactly, maybe fueldump if you're getting hold at last stage (allies don't have cp spawn)
Railgun is boring tho :(
never played it decent then :d
Crossfire needs to make a TZAC pub with those maps.
I hate the new maps.
what fishbot said
true dad, i'd like to play edenberg, pirates also coast just for change
delivery is the worst map in ET, shares bottom place with braundorf_b4
Missilie_b3 and erdenberg are great maps. Pirates is pure bullshit.
what hAMMER said
enderberg is worst map ever
never tried pirates
I like erdenberg
pirates is so pwn on bio if i have landmines
delivery is so shit. Erdenberg is much better.
the first stage of erdenberg is absolute shit to attack on
never even saw pirates
dont mock mah delivery :(
erden > deli
erdenberg > all
railgun > all
need dubrovnik , missle , crevasse !!! , rommel or wolken .... so much maps with potencial .. :-(
But people prefer supply because they dont have other map skills ;=[
Simple good map , but indeed boring!
revive frost_comp!
There are lot beatiful and un-famous maps around ET.

Incoming avoc map
image: 17
image: 18

Krischan map
image: sandbox1
image: sandbox2
image: timbered6

Avoc map again
image: 9
image: 10
image: 12

nice! release date? :D
When it's done =)
Looks nice pm Kevlar for putting this map on his pub :p
all 3 looks awesome i would like to play them all
low fps coming soon ;d
exactly what I thought
inb4 making my fps even worse :D
These maps don't even need a special color correction in fragmovies... And that's compliment! BTW This avoc's map reminds me White Forest from HL2 Episode Two. :o
radar is never boring
not this shit again ..
erdenberg is shit
because everyone just wanna play with tax they already have and dont want to put time to pracc "new" map.

but ye, its always supply grush adler, we need to play more radar, bremen
radar is still one of the best ever

also oasis was/is THE bomb on public servers
Erdenberg best 3o3 map
If we were to turn Fueldump, Railgun into a SW map, people would actually give it a try because they already know what the objective is.
No one wants to learn a new map.
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