really unexpected
26 Sep 2011, 02:23
After 2 HoN journals and no response from other LoL players, i'm here with another League of Legends journal!
- What do you guys think about Dominion, will it be succesfull, as in replacing SR in tournaments?
I don't think it will come that far, i think it's just a fun-mod.
- Rank in season 1?
digitalnick (level 30 - EUWest)
Solo Queue (5v5) 1442 (W:316, L:293)
Premade (5v5) 1493 (W:21, L:9)
- Rank in season 2?
digitalnick (level 30 - EUWest)
Solo Queue (5v5) 1459 (W:15, L:8)
Premade (5v5) unranked (W:0, L:0)
- Are you going to play all night long? :p
- What do you guys think about Dominion, will it be succesfull, as in replacing SR in tournaments?
I don't think it will come that far, i think it's just a fun-mod.
- Rank in season 1?
digitalnick (level 30 - EUWest)
Solo Queue (5v5) 1442 (W:316, L:293)
Premade (5v5) 1493 (W:21, L:9)
- Rank in season 2?
digitalnick (level 30 - EUWest)
Solo Queue (5v5) 1459 (W:15, L:8)
Premade (5v5) unranked (W:0, L:0)
- Are you going to play all night long? :p
Personally, I think Dominion could be more competitive than SR but well, we'll see.
Don't think there is much choice in tactics and shit
2.) unranked (1-0)
3.) unranked (5-2)
4.) i got up early to play.
wont ever replace SR in tournaments. But its fine tho, just dont like how many champinos are useless in it
- Rank in season 1?
Niki0o (level 30 - EUWest)
Solo Queue (5v5) 1655 (W:336, L:298)
Premade (5v5) 158
- Rank in season 2?
Niki0o (level 30 - EUWest)
Solo Queue (5v5) 1400 (W:14, L:12)
Premade (5v5) Unranked (W:1, L:1)
- Are you going to play all night long? :p
I was only ~1350 in Season 1. I've only played a couple of games right now but I'm currently 1314(all Solo Queue). I was also about 1350-1400 on Premade 5v5 in Season 1. Played only 2 Premade games this season yet.
I'm not going to play all night long. I haven't played that much LoL games in total so I will probably play a fair amount of ranked games the coming weeks to see what elo-rating I can handle.
you didnt pay the money you promised for the 3on3 NC
you all agreed with freeze getting the .ee moneyz
anyways you can just send the whole 30€ to freeze, he will send our cuts to us himself, since we are all from the same country, it's much more easier than having you to send us 3 seperately :P