mw3 or bf3?

what game would you pick?

Battlefield 3:

Call of duty 3:

Give some info about ur opinion from this game

pre-ordered bf3
nice shooting miller, you rock!
"I'm up! I'm up! I'm fucked up but I'm up!"

mw3 is only overworked grafic and some new maps nothing special then cod:bo.
bf3 looks more promising and was designed for pc, mw3 looks like a remake of mw2 to keep the console kids happy for another year
Is it true that the "kids" play MW3 and the elder play BF3?
battlefield also has some kids or stupid flamers.

but in general thats right, yes.

or did you expect anything else? :p
And mature players will get Arma 3.
Is that a serios question ololl
Probably gonna buy BF3. I seriously hope that they balance the vehicles this time, especially flying ones.
BF3 and then wait to see what people say about MW3
well, the cinematics in cod's singleplayer always beats the shit out of other singleplayer games...but i think thats about it.

but multiplayer-wise, it will again be a big disappointment...they always switch their minds about dedicated servers. cod4 hat ded. servers, mw 1 too(?) but mw2 didnt. black ops works with dedicated servers but mw3 again dumb is that please?

bf 3 > mw 3.

because DICE knows how to make good (multiplayer) games.
MW3 will have dedicated servers
then heres my next argument which i will quote from another user in this thread:

Quotebf3 looks more promising and was designed for pc, mw3 looks like a remake of mw2 to keep the console kids happy for another year

also big ass maps, vehicles, jets (finally again) 64 slot servers. and how cool is that that you can destroy everything you want? thats one big plus for realism.

its gonna be awesome. period.
Perhaps you didnt read my first comment, I will get BF3 and then I'll wait and see what people say about MW3 before buying. I'm not arguing against BF3 at all.
sorry...i am just being excited. :(
I thought they changed that you cant anymore destroy EVERYTHING :o
bf3 will have the new frostbite 2.0 engine so you can destroy even more than before.
I will probably by BF3. Can you tell me what is the difference between the MW1, MW2 and MW3 except the Single Player part? Even that I gonna wait to see is the story worth the time to play.
when are both out?
mw3 for SP and bf3 for MP
But you don't must buy a mw3 for SP then.
Captain Jack Sparrow helps.Yarr
like i said before, definitely battlefield 3! i'm a great fan of bc2 and just cant wait for it!

too bad i didnt purchase medal of honor, because the open beta starts tomorrow for guys who did bought it!

open beta for all will start on thursday 29.09.
i will buy bf3 to but the main thing that makes me wanne buy it is the landscape and if you throw a grenade to a house it collapse

bf3 = sick in my eyes

<333 vaGgiiii :D
diablo 3 > *
of those 2 bf3
bf3 for pc & mw3 for console
CoD hasn't amazed me since CoD4. I expect BF3 to be a great experience overall.
both, poor nerds
You can't really compare :p
I mean they both are good games..
BF3 for PS3, and then MW3 for PC
I really hope you are trolling.
I never troll.
Then i feel sorry for you.
BF3 - 64player battles + lead platform
MW3 - crappy console port

BF3 - 24 player battles + port
MW3 - lead platform (?)

Not sure bout all the facts but you get the point.
Dedicated servers for MW3, plus i'm getting the limited edition Bf3 for £16.99 so it's cheap. Can always sell it on.

And also, since i'll be at uni, I won't have a PC with me so I wont end up getting MW3 till christmas anyway!
since i have it - mw3
i dont play both of them but i hate cod a bit because its the same game for 4 years now,just other textures
everytime same engine
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