Game of the year 2011

What has been your favorite game so far this year and which upcoming game(s) you think can top that?

For me, Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii is definetaly my favorite and top contender for goty. Only game that can top that gotta be Mass Effect 3 which I'm eagerly waiting!

Also Bastion has to be mentioned. I totally love this game and it got one of the best soundtrack ever made!
Gotta agree on bastion awsum soundtrack.
Waiting on Skyrim and Battlefield 3
Shiiit, just remembered that I paid for it. :D YOU RUINED MY DAY!
portal 2
best game ever and also in 2011

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
skillfree gayme
dragon age 2 came out this year..right ? then that.. or witcher 2 ... but agree i hope mass effect 3 will beat everything
me 3 is coming next year :D
did they moved it ? last thing i heard was something of november 2011. :( but ok was expected and leaves me more free time in the winter ^^
I really liked Portal 2 although it was kind of short. Bastion was great but short and I wouldn't call it a full game. Played a decent amount of League of Legends which was good. Also put a fair amount of hours in Minecraft which I do also not regret.
Deus Ex HR

its the only game released in 2011 which I have played
Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Bastion was really nice
deus ex hr so far

still waiting for mass effect 3 though
Doing second playthrough (objective: Spare no-ones life) and the game seems awfully short without needing to sneak around.
What game are you talking about? :o
Can't wait for ME3 and GW2. Prolly can't play them though :D
Gw2 is the stuff! Will be the best fame ever
Dark Souls

That game was too hard for me :|
I guess you mean Demons Souls? Dark Souls is the sequel and is out in a few weeks.
Yer, that game resulted in some controllers flying trough our living room
Blocks that matter
witcher 2 <3
ME3 will be 2012.
BF3 will take it.
For me its Witcher 2 so far, Deus Ex was fun but not as good.
Skyrim will keep me away from sunlight for weeks.
brink lolz
will be bf3 or skyrim (bf3 for me personally ^^)
Portal 2
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