rifle lessons repost

image: dsc00049xdx

true lessons, not shit sereal's 'aiming pracc'
i have my own way to do this shot
40$/h I will teach you how to win nationscup..
getting mates carrying me? thx
hello there nicon, glad you could make it.
ok, when lesson starts?
An approximation for mortar shots was that 90 degrees lands on your face, and every 5 degree drop makes the shot land one command map square further. What would be the algorithm for our geometrifle?
Real mortar gods just had the feel for the weapon (r.i.p. United Kingdom SUM@)
lol sum@ was sick at mortar the fag
he was the best mortar around, just sickens me people claim to be better than him
I have returned the Adlernest documents with mortar. That's pretty cool, isn't it
Aldernest mortar pfffff United Kingdomsum@ played mortar on the real maps (GOLDRUSH (not goldrush_SE and OASIS) everyone can play mortar in indoor-maps...
Doesn't the command map square "size" depend on the map? As in, the scale of the command map isn't the same in different maps.
I'm pretty sure it was (is) standard for the default maps. I just glanced at it and at least there are more squares on the map on Fueldump than on Oasis, which is to be expected since Fueldump is larger.
Some maps do indeed change it, I remember having problems on some non-default maps when the change in angle didn't cause the result I thought it would, but the approximation was useful in most maps. Mortar was banned pretty much at the same time I got into it, so I never really had to (got to) research this.
You'r a smart guy Vanhaomena, props to you.
Think I've read somewhere that fueldump was an experiment where they tried to make larger maps by combining two actual seperate ones into one big map. Some technical restriction didn't allow programmers to make maps bigger back then. So the tunnels in the middle represent the borders of two maps.
not this shit again :P
kinda useless when you got moon visible?
so gonna win ec with this
the buildings
the sky
the moon
tehs stars

it all looks so real!
every med- Rifle know that shot. Show something new\not so obviously man !
dunno that existing protractors in poland
mam taki sam kontomierz
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