waky waky

good morning, woke up, made myself some tea and sandwhich, tastes good :)
uni gonna start 12:15 but i dont have to go to the first lesson, because i can watch it from stream later, i wish all lessons would be recorded like that :P

so whats your plans for today?

A nice autumn song


A random megan fox picture, damn she is hot :)

waky waky saci saci

I am at work, just got a bigass client hooked. She wants a brand new website built from scratch, personal design, part flash, titlepage, two different subpages and e-shop and all kinds of shit. Got a meeting at 15.00, preparing documents for that now and typing all kinds of shit out ot explain to her and get her to order the site today. The payment starts from a minimum of 5000€ for that and i get 20% of pure profit out of the single contract. After that I'm going home OR maybe meet up with you guys and shoot some hoops?
World Championships of freethrows???

Later tonight, game on.
I hope you hook that bitch up!

Laters :P
Hello sacrifice, my morning is good also, I just arrived at uni :P Feeling good, maybe I should buy some coffee :P Hope you have a good day m8 ;)
hello mant, i'm glad that your morning is good. what classes do you have tonight and what about freethrow world championships later tonight?
hello, its good that u have arrived to uni, here's a nice video what mäm found yesterday when we smoked some green stuff :)

plans. work first getting well soon over the day.. maybe bar tonite

my song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAKuf76Aohg
why bar, celebrate or to cure the depression of autumn? :)
why not? :) meeting friends there. its outside bar with djs and stuff. to have some nice last hours ofc ;)
yeah okay, hope u have fun :)
@uni in a financial accouting lesson.. Pretty boring because i had that in secondary school
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