new CB ET GS

[CB]LION no longer [CB], so who will be le new Game Supervisor? rumour says BelgiumGoldorak will take the job :x

that would be fucked up
Goldo has made a good job and he is available more often (at least at irc), so why not?
Goldo is a lovely bloke, whenever I speak to him he is always trying to help people on CB. Hewould be a good man for the job.
Nice of homer to return :]

Lion did a nice job last year
there was ec last year?
yes homer yes win!
yes this, though this is not going to happen
don't be so sure :x
i am, he's got no time :(
shut up and be positive
i'm just being realistic, he told me so himself :x
Hopefully none from the current admin list. CB lacks professionalism :|

Homer? SPU9? NG? BO? Someone that really loves the game.
Problem is that people with knoweledge & experience grow out from PC and get better things to do. No time & interest to do things and listen to the whine for free.

EDIT: Ye ye, there are some exeptions ofc.
Well thats true. People grow and there is a time where work/ some other stuff speak louder, instead of a free lame hobby.. Thats why i said "someone that really loves the game" :D
Or hire some nerd whom gets paid for sitting at PC :)
free game, doesn't make sense.. Community should be enough to run the game!
Did mean that he/she would be getting paid for supervising, but someone who is a coder or other bored office worker and already at PC whole day.
if you need to do that then ET is dead
I think you should do it since you're bitching about CB every other day. Step up now or shut up.
if I could join CB crew, I would do it back when Garym8 was boss. Doors to CB are closed for me.
like they would took idiot like him..
#lion_come_back :S
If I remember correctly Goldorak's a good admin, so why not?

Although I liked LION too. You guys are never satisfied, anyway. :)
Hopefully, he is a good admin, always trying to help which i cant say about you or homer
a co ja mam do tego wszystkiego? :XD
cisniesz cb a sam ssiesz kutacha
cisne cb bo ssa
damn robert, u attention whore!
i can't, Goldo will kill me ;/
no wai he would do that
Goldorak would be a fine choice. Even though his english skills are not the best atleast he's not backwards like you or helping his own team qualify like Homer
Polishing my keyboard and mousepad as we speak.
Serious note:

From the current admin list Goldorak will take it unless anybody else applies, he's the most experienced, active and dedicated admin and is the the only one from that list who was admin during my time. The rest are too new to be GS and wouldn't be fair on him.

The only small problem with Goldorak was his English, which is really important, but I'm sure he improved a lot during these 2 years, haven't spoken to him in a while so can't really tell, but I'm sure he did improve :P

P.S: Even if Homer applied, they wouldn't accept him as ET GS.
he didn't improve :D
Just pick him, other people can handle the news if his english isnt that good. Cant remember him doing any irrational moves. And there is always "das boot" if things dont work out :)
Since when are you cf admin? Your journal deleting skills are pretty high compared to NetherlandsFrop.
Since summer, month or a two I think. We work in shifts, I got the day-shift today. Fropper shall be doing his thingies in an hour or so, dont worry.
I Quit CB last month or so :p
goldorak would be the worst CB admin ever (rly)
avi as CB ET GS
too bad Lion :(
Lion was the best admin of cb :)
homer would be good, if he wants to do it
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