new CB ET GS
27 Sep 2011, 09:38
[CB]LION no longer [CB], so who will be le new Game Supervisor? rumour says Goldorak will take the job :x
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
Lion did a nice job last year
Homer? SPU9? NG? BO? Someone that really loves the game.
EDIT: Ye ye, there are some exeptions ofc.
Although I liked LION too. You guys are never satisfied, anyway. :)
From the current admin list Goldorak will take it unless anybody else applies, he's the most experienced, active and dedicated admin and is the the only one from that list who was admin during my time. The rest are too new to be GS and wouldn't be fair on him.
The only small problem with Goldorak was his English, which is really important, but I'm sure he improved a lot during these 2 years, haven't spoken to him in a while so can't really tell, but I'm sure he did improve :P
P.S: Even if Homer applied, they wouldn't accept him as ET GS.