GamesTV matches...

18:00 hEyo! vs AEF
19:00 wiSe vs turbot
19:00 <o/ wvl vs #UF
19:00 hFE vs RAAB
20:00 Art vs aika
20:00 c4 vs manga
20:00 sex vs <3
21:30 hFE vs bp
21:30 Z. vs OMG
21:30 Nyan>> vs Spart}

Ten (!) 2on2 and 3on3 matches on GTV nobody wants to see and not a single (real) 6on6 match. GTV is not another tool to use against cheaters, guys. There are anti cheat and demos to spec in case you play suspicious players.

Your opinion about that?
anyone that gets less than 30 viewer peak should have requesting rights revoked

tbh the main reason people request games on gtv is that they need gameserver
and everyone who got brown teeth should brush them from time to time.
Dno about that, barely any people saw our game against sth a few years back because other games were on, but it still was one of the best and most exciting games I've played in my ET 'career'. Too bad the replay is fucked up.
Gamestv gameservers suck anyways, cba to play on those. :D
And I'd blame CB for not having any 6on6 game on GTV yet, since they forgot to announce the 6on6 groups (should've been done yesterday).
just because you don't want to spec a 3on3 or a 2on2 doesen't mean others don't.
many find it to be more exciting and there's more aiming involved, for players who dislike spam and etc it might be very interesting.

edit : most Estonia glitz 3on3 matches have got over 30 viewers, that's atleast 30 who are entertained to at least some level instead of letting the servers just be unused, no problem seen.
Viewers 2030 viewers in 86 matches (Ø 24)
there's a lot of random 2on2's and games that have been held at nights. and I ment 3on3's and edited.

and even if it's 24 spec's per game, over 20 players entertained instead of these servers just being unused. no problem seen
you only got that average because glitz as team dates back till 2007 when even random shit 3on3 games could easily get 50+ viewers
and why does that bother you?

last six 3on3 games we've had an averege of 42 specs. That dates back to spring, your problem?

oh and about the server thing, we have used our own match server for every game possible.
why are you flaming 2on2/3on3 you little twat? :P
I remember olden days when defix,TWK,idle,queens,roistot,#pwn-team and stuff were playing 3on3 and we wanted to be like them, they were our idols, and we kept nolifing hard and few years later we pwned hard (raab,darts were also our rivals back in the days =) ,maybe some more but i cant name atm sorry if i forgot some rivals , and then we thought 3on3 is too easy for us, and then we went for 6on6, then i quited because i felt too noob plus i had to army hard, but my mates kept nolifing to reach the top level of ET, now they are in EC and a random polak thinks 3on3 sucks? fu :)
<TosspoT> talentless fucks and hackers = 3on3
pure talent talking there
well at least I don't pretend I'm skilled and saving ET cuz I play lots of 3on3 games
i don't care whats your stupid point is but i know many people enjoy playing and watching 3on3 and if u are refering to me that i was saying i was somehow skilled then, no i am not pretending to be skilled or saying im skilled. I like playing 3on3/6on6 and if you are too shit to handle 3on3s, dont play it, and dont whine about it either :)
nah was more reffering to polaks like promen or nazi like stray
Do you ever stfu? Can you tell me a person that you haven't argued with yet? Gosh you annoying prick shut up!
2ribo i am watching GTV even if its low etc etc..and there are like every time 5+ ppls who are watching every match. If you dont want, dont watch. Nobody said you must.
"many find it to be more exciting and there's more aiming involved"

But 90% of the matches are with shit players there
even shit players have friends who sometimes like to see them play, doesen't mean the servers should be unused.
idea:limit gameservers on gtv to 1+ stars and 6on6 only

want 0 stars and/or 2on2/3on3 game? GET YOUR OWN SERVERS
+1 for this!
There will be problem with new teams :P
not really actually
Should be better tbh yeah
how about u stfu already and mind ur own bussines.
just dont watch them if you dont want to? nobody is forcing you
6on6 being the 'real' way of matches is just your opinion
and whats the problem? they want to have their match streamed, let them. Its not like GTV is for pros only now is it? You have better matches to cast, fair enough, you can delete some worse ones but its not the case right now. If you start deleting matches just because they might not be as entertaining you will lose half of your casts. Good luck with that.
u can play thounds 2on2/3on3 matches on a day. so if every match would be set on gtv who would watch any match of them? 2on2 and 3on3 aren't nice to watch and totaly boring.
its just your opinion and not really a fact. I happen to know few people who watch 2v2s/3v3s.
Its good that you let your own interest take over. Not everybody is like you and doesnt like watching 2on2/3on3. Now get over it and stop crying in your courner.
rofl, u obviously got no clue about 3on3 as i can see that u never played 3on3's on decent level therefor u obviously wouldnt know that 3on3's can be interesting as well.
As if you speak for the entire CF Community, I personally like to see 2o2/3o3 matches, so gtfo.
yawoll i'm totaly mad :/
bo if n811en would play there would be a good 6on6 match then :D
treue geschichte.
such halt ma fuer heut abend nen ladder match bin zwar net da aber sind doch sicherlich 6da irgendwie
bin die ganze woche über nicht da.
du bist son fail ne :D, dann muss swine wieder mit den ganzen ösis spielen un fängt an zu ragen :D
sry dawg too much real life atm
just this week. I will be back!
np ich kann backup machen homos... äh homies !
Heran men jong
aber du kannst keine offis organ was atm shmoe only kann :/
low führer dieser shmoe.

du lump bist nicht mal im team auf cb ^^
idd, mit ihm wäre nicht gut Polen überfallen unso !
die polen würden uns mit ihren pferden und schwerter aus ihrem land vertreiben Oo
who cares about gamestv...just let the people play however they want and cut the whine
the stars system should be used more effectively, so you can filter lower star games etc etc
to filter the 2on2 and 3on3 matches out would be usefull.
I can't spec my lowskilled mates then :S
can still watch them, but filter it out so it only shows med-high matches

hi2ubro btw
u still searching a team bro?
you got an offer for me? : D
ohnolol, just asking :DDD
:P think so
I like those games just for betting purpose ? :/ more "random" games more times i check GTV generally better for everyone, its not like we have to sack 6on6 games for this
when 6on6 OC and EC hits, those 2on2/3on3 games will block really nice games from being broadcasted
So if there SHOULD be a rule (which i still think shouldn't) you could say no random wars during EC matchweeks..? or allow the option to "hide" 2on2 or 3on3 in your profile
I think there was idea to not allow 0 star games on sunday to filter it a bit
that would actually make a lot of sense.
would also be okay if the 0 star matches would be disallowed on forced EC/OC match days.
would make sense if they boost rating for 1 star a bit
I may be in the minority in this issue but I like to play and also watch 3on3 games. This journal is totally useless bickering, it's not like anyone forces you to watch them. If something has to be done, the most is you could ask gtv if it were possible to add a filter in webpagesettings for those who look down on 3s.
Filter would be a good idea (they might already have one, havent noticed it though).
its just nubs crying cus they cant play on that lvl and have to cry for everything that annoys them.
QuoteGTV is not another tool to use against cheaters

I gotta disagree with this one, its the best and fastest possible way to give people proof about a cheater
a filter would be interesting :)
and if they are blocking ec games.. why arnt there server only admins can use .. so theres no problem about this?
there are servers like that but only a few of them
just make more "private" ?
<@TosspoT`> 3on3 is the hiding ground for people who arent good at the game imo
Do u agree with it?
2on2 and 3on3 aim only, if u have 3 guys who have a extremly aiming u will win the match to 90%
Don't think so..
then play 1on1 that it's only aim on maps like valhalla or multidemo and the obj maps there u need a bit brain.
Well are you seriously claiming that 3's are aimbased only? I would've thought you had more comprehensive point of view than that..
rofl, its alot more than aim only, if u play with aim only,u will go out on full, pretending u can own everyone, u will get full, with rest of ur mates struggle to hold it back, means u will loose that part of map... oh gosh, if u ppl could only use ur brains before posting this useless comments.
I guess you really havent played in a truly good 3o3 clan. There's a lot more teamwork and dynamic in most matches, because you need to move a lot AS A TEAM and do obj as a team. The communication is so vital in 3o3. Ofc aim helps, but that's the same in 6on6.

Get your head out of your ass. if you havent played 3on3 on a decent level than dont talk.
not really.
neither do i :p
its just haters hating on ppl who got potencial and skills to play at decent lvl at 3on3, probably 60% of ppl who are playing 6on6 would be totally sucky at 3on3's cus they aint got what it takes to be good at 3on3.
U might be right tho. Sill it doesnt make the games more intereseting to watch. 3on3 games are not popular in spectating matters, fact.
Not true, i honestly cant be bothered to go now through gamestv archives and find u games with 100+ specs at 3on3 matches, cus there was alot of interesting games that were played at 3on3 and believe me, they sure can be interesting, some even more than most of 6on6 matches.
It's not that I never watched a 3on3 match on ETTV but compared to 6on6 games with 1000+ viewers those 100 viewers are nothing. And I know that the times of those high peak matches are gone...
I'm impressed so many people kept logs of my comments about 3vs3! All gold.
You are the god for us
You are the god for squall
there are many of us who share the same opinion!

and on the topic: some filtering options would be nice like Thomm suggested. don't mind gtv broadcasting 1on1/2on2/3on3 games as long as they won't block broadcasting from interesting 6on6 games, but would be great if you could choose whether you want to see them or not
yes, and hardly ever they do. Haven't yet heard of any major 6on6 that had been blocked by 3s broadcasting.
when 6on6 OC/EC hits you'll see it happening :)
well I never heard that any ec game that was planned to be broadcasted wasn't because of lower level 3s. I do agree that it's inconvenient that there ar loads of games and trying to pick the few worthy of watching can be frustrating.
hi <3

what ya doing these days?
Well, beside working my ass off I started to play some ET again the last few days. I started to write for a german icehockey site at the beginning of september, since I didn't find the motivation to continue the work at Then I'm going to Stockholm at the 7th of october, to see the NHL opening game between New York and Anaheim on Saturday. But other than that nothing changed :)

How are you doing?
nice! didn't know you're a hockey fan :o

jealous about the NHL game! tho I'm just currently trying to get the tickets for Anaheim-Buffalo @ Helsinki from one poker promotion, so might still get lucky and make it there

just started my 2nd year at school and been trying to find a new apartment for a while, but not too easy to find what I'm looking for.. (small apartment from the centre with max 430e / month rent)
im a huge hockey fan tbh, been following the game since i was 15 or so. i spent the last weekends in mannheim, watching the games of the Adler (pretty cool with a press pass :D) About the NHL game blame two of my friends, who are Ranger fans and asked me to come with them. I was, why not, let's have some fun :)

You should move to germany man. I'm still living in my appartment, 10mins from work by car, and paying 260 euros warm :)
<TosspoT> On second thought I'm gonna deepthroat this sandwich
Why limit the whine to 2on2/3on3? There's a shitload of 7th division 5on5/6on6 games I don't give a fuck about either.

Either limit it to "top level" games only or let anyone play his shit there.
This game would be dead already, if people would play only 6on6's.
<NE`Robaciek> 3on3 NC final
<TosspoT> I dont cast 3on3
<TosspoT> they are filled with talentless players
<NE`Robaciek> that explains saKen in final
<TosspoT> talentless fucks and hackers = 3on3
<TosspoT> ahh
<TosspoT> saken
<TosspoT> there you go!
<TosspoT> :D
People who are great in 6on6 are usually also atleast better than decent in 3on3, but those who not everyone who is great in 3on3 can be good at 6on6 because it's more complex. Doesn't mean everyone who is great in 3on3 is talentless because usually the top players there are also really good at 6on6.
Reading most of the comments, I'd say the main problem is lower skill-level games taking the spots. Yes mostly in 3s but the problem cannot be generalized like it has been so far and even if taking 3on3 games off gtv would solve the problem it isn't ethically right to do so.

The game belongs to everyone regardless of the skill level and I see 5th div clans having just as much right having their games broadcasted as everyone else. The choise of watching, then again, belongs to the viewer.
19:00 wiSe vs turbot
21:30 hFE vs bp

good matches worth of watch yes
So you guys would actually prefer having only 1 or 2 games broadcasted on ETTV every day, rather than 10-15, just because those 1 or 2 games will have SKILLORZ in them?

Why have the other 8-9 games of nonames playing 5th division with max 2 viewers? Nothing wrong with playing offis off ettv and saving ettv for ec/oc premier. Just cause theres extra resources doesn't mean you need to use it all up, drives down the value you fucking socialist

image: 99870755
well as you know, I don't mind playing offis without ettv (and actually prefer it).. so that's not why I'm saying what I'm saying :p

but still, if this idea was implemented, then you'd have some days with no ettv matches at all, just because no skilled players happened to be playing that day.

i'd rather have empty ettv than filled with useless shit matches yes
well that's retarded
no u retarding
they got same right to use it as everyone else.
playing on gtv isn't a right, watching their games is, however.
u just dont want to be able to play offis on ettv cuz u skilldrop when u do.
sandbag skilldrop is not as bad as ohurcool skilldrop ;)
very true :D
The main problem isn't that these matches are on ETTV, or even on GTV, at least if I understand what you're complaining about — it's that they're showing up on the main list.

So, have everything show up on the calendar page, but only live and "interesting" (that would be hard to define, but perhaps EC/upper-OC league/cup finals, and some hand-picked) show up in the upcoming broadcasts column. That requires a lot of manual work though.

Or, another idea, add an option on GTV just to record it without broadcasting it live — have it on the calendar page still, but allow people to vote a match up for broadcast if they want to watch it live (that way those who want to watch it live can, but matches without any interest don't clutter things up).
Ok, just a question.

If you can put a match in gtv, and you know, that some1 will spec you (atlest 2 players), and you can put it on gtv, you will do it for 2 players. Cause they can´t be in matchserver and don´t have time or smth to watch every fucking single demo.

Why do u complain? If gTV admins do not complain, stop complaining please. It´s not your server...

BTW: If you don´t care about "random" league matches, just ignore = problem solved.
19:00 wiSe vs turbot
19:00 hFE vs RAAB
21:30 hFE vs bp

these 3 matches are only ettv worthy, delete the rest
i don't know what all the whine is about, i think it's awesome people from all skill levels can have their matches broadcasted, and since no 'big' 6v6 matches are jeopardized, np
so many haters whining about broadcast of 3on3's haters hating cus they cant be good there,if u dont want to watch it, just fking ignore it idiots.
wouldnt call of of them uninteresting ;)
I wouldnt call of of them uninteresting either :{O}
2v2 & 3v3 = real formats of ET
Are you so serious? Lemme think about 2on2 Railgun or Oasis

ET is game for 8v8 -> 12v12

not 2o2
congratz for making no sense at all
congratz for making no sense at all
gtv make match more "serious", and let people know others players.

thats better for a comunity instead of playing together alone @ cave
demos what and nobody cheats since ztac and how is it bad to have lots of matches on gtv?
hard to ignore some matches....
They want fame.
more games the better

as i long as i see every game of the day in my right i got no probs with having lots of games broadcasted
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