firefox running on 32 bit

Wsup with firefox running on 32 bit. In the firefox releases there only seems to be a 32 bit version for windows. 64 Bit is only supported upto update 3.6.3 or so. I know we're only a few updates further, since they recently changed from x_x_x system to a new full version number every update. But aren't they actively releasing 64 bit versions?
No. Afaik there isn't any 64bits version for _WINDOWS_ but at version 7 they will release one.
I was wrong though.. Version 7 got released today and there isn't any 64 bits version for windows!

edit: ok firefox 9 will have 64 bits.. it's currently at nightly build, you can download the 64bits one here:
e: seems he beat me to it.

what he said.
use chrome problemo solved
Kasi-bittistä, West Sides lippistä :D
I use opera
i got win7 64bit but im running firefox 6 fine :x)

so 32 bit version works aswell i guess
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